White House Website Scrubs 'Founding Founders' Headline

White House Website Scrubs 'Founding Founders' Headline

From the White House that brought you “man-caused disasters,” “shared prosperity,” and “kinetic military action,” check out this new entry in the public lexicon: “Founding Founders.”

That phrase made its way into the headline of a White House blog post by Keith Donohue, a communications director at the National Archives: “The Papers of the Founding Founders Are Now Online.”

Now, there’s no way to know whether Donohue himself chose that headline or an editor, and there’s no way to know whether it was a simple typo or overdone political correctness. Yet when conservatives sniffed this out and started mocking it on Twitter, the White House blog did change the headline to say “Founding Fathers.” However, the original phrase remains in the URL, and Donohue certainly didn’t put the word “fathers” anywhere in the text of the article. 

So, remember, ladies: rather than change a simple redundancy to some other gender-neutral phrase like “Founding Parental Units,” “Founding Individuals,” “Founding Racists,” “Founding Plutocrats,” or “Human Beings of Indeterminate Sex Because Society in the Late 1700s Was Not Accepting of Those Who Defied Gender Roles So We Can’t Know if Any of Them Were Secretly Trans but They Were Integral to the Development of Our Flawed and Inequitable Constitution Anyway,” this Administration went straight back to celebrating the patriarchy.


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