ambassador chris stevens

State Department Stonewalling Breitbart FOIA Request for Benghazi Document After Four Years

The State Department informed Breitbart News that the estimated completion date was now February 2017 in a September 7, 2016 email, responding to an inquiry made several days earlier. Breitbart News subsequently asked the State Department to accelerate the estimated completion date to before the presidential election on November 8, but has not received a response to several such requests.

A picture shows the damage inside the burnt US consulate building in Benghazi on September

Democrats Politicize the Benghazi Hearings; Media Couldn’t Care Less

After a few weeks of hand-wringing over the horrors of “politicized” Benghazi hearings, based entirely on the foolish words of Rep. Kevin McCarthy – who had nothing to do with those hearings – and a disgruntled ex-staffer of dubious portfolio, the media is suddenly very happy with Democrats politicizing the hell out of those hearings.

Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is greeted