Farage on Trump Polls: Pollsters Can’t Find People Outside of Politics

Sunday on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” while discussing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s poll numbers, Brexit supporter and founder of the UK Independence Party Nigel Farage said, “The polling companies find it really hard to find people who are outside of politics and who are now coming into politics.”

Partial transcript as follows:

ZAKARIA: Do you think you could imagine a similar Trump surprise?

FARAGE: I think there were two phenomenons here. I think the first is that on telephone polls, particularly, people are nervous to come across as being too conservative, too socially conservative. So, you know, we’ve seen in the last few years in Britain opinion polls getting it wrong because people aren’t quite telling the truth on the telephone.But there’s another phenomenon here. And frankly, the polling industry in Europe — I mean, frankly, it’s almost bankrupt in terms of its reputation. And I wonder whether we’re seeing the same phenomenon in America. What I’m talking about is the polling companies find it really hard to find people who are outside of politics and who are now coming into politics. And that’s why the opinion polls over Brexit were wrong, although I do admit I suffered myself from a bout of eleventh-hour nerves.

(h/t RCP Video)

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