Kerry Picket

Kerry Picket - Page 4

Articles by Kerry Picket

Police Arrest 47 in Ferguson Tuesday Night

FERGUSON, Missouri–Missouri law enforcement targeted specific individuals for arrest in last night’s protest in Ferguson. Police arrested 47 protesters after what seemed to be a relatively peaceful night on Tuesday. As glass and plastic bottles began to hurl through the

Police Arrest 47 in Ferguson Tuesday Night

Looting Decimates Small Businesses in Ferguson

FERGUSON, Missouri–It’s not easy running a business with riots going on. In the ten days since Michael Brown was shot in Ferguson, Missouri, the small businesses that line the streets have suffered a major financial blow from the constant rioting,

Looting Decimates Small Businesses in Ferguson

Run on Gas Masks in Ferguson

The use of tear gas by Missouri law enforcement has caused a run on gas masks in the St. Louis area. Local residents, reporters, and video production crews are making last minute calls to places like Uncle Sam’s military surplus

Run on Gas Masks in Ferguson

Police, Protesters Clash In Another Violent Night In Ferguson

FERGUSON, Missouri–Police dispersed crowds of protesters during another violent chaotic night here with tear gas, flash bang grenades, and an LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) sound cannon. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon called on the National Guard to try to restore

Police, Protesters Clash In Another Violent Night In Ferguson

DOCUMENT: Homeland Security Predicts Rise of 'Anti-Government' Violence

A leaked document from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis predicts increased “anti-government violence over the next year.” The document says the inspiration for violence is Cliven Bundy’s Bunkerville standoff with the Bureau of Land Management

DOCUMENT: Homeland Security Predicts Rise of 'Anti-Government' Violence

VIDEO: St. Louis Police and Protesters Face Off in Ferguson

Another tense night in Ferguson, Missouri happened on Wednesday as St. Louis County Police clashed with protesters. Law enforcement officers used Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD), rubber bullets, smoke grenades, and tear gas canisters, on the crowd.  Protesters, angry at

Read A Border Agent's Email Rant About Lack Of Border Enforcement

Immigrations Customs Enforcement agents are circulating an email tirade from an unknown agent in response to Department of Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson’s announcement that a border patrol agent was killed while “off duty.” The email, obtained with its author’s

ISIS Magazine Threatens: 'It's either the Islamic State or the flood'

The  Islamic State (ISIS), an organization of terrorists, took control of Iraq’s largest dam as well as an oilfield and three towns on Sunday after crushing Kurdish forces, Reuters reported.  According to the report,  seizing control of  “the electricity-generating Mosul Dam,

Brewer: 'We Don't Want an Imperial President'

As President Barack Obama threatens more executive orders on amnesty for illegal immigrants, Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer told Breitbart News, “We don’t want an imperial president dictating what we will do in our state.” Brewer, who appears to be out of

Brewer: 'We Don't Want an Imperial President'

Flashback: Issa Called CIA Spying on Senate 'Treason'

Dianne Feinstein, Chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, had no comment for Breitbart News about CIA Chief John Brennan’s admission that the agency spied on Senate computers or the announcement from two Democratic colleagues on the Committee that Brennan should resign.  Chairman of

Flashback: Issa Called CIA Spying on Senate 'Treason'

Homeland Security Report Confirms Diseases Spreading at Border Facilities

The Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General released a memo on Thursday confirming the problem of communicable diseases that are being spread throughout detention centers.  The OIG outlined a two-week report from the beginning of the month on the detention of

Homeland Security Report Confirms Diseases Spreading at Border Facilities

Governors Not Told About Illegals Dumped in Their States

ASPEN, Colorado–At a closed-door meeting with Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley was blunt.  “Look, you’ve got these undocumented children,” she recalled telling Johnson, “You haven’t told any of the governors anything. We don’t know

Governors Not Told About Illegals Dumped in Their States

Christie, Perry Feud Over RGA Snub To GOP Candidate Astorino

ASPEN, Colorado–Chris Christie’s snub of the Republican challenger to New York Governor and Christie pal Andrew Cuomo is causing a surprising amount of bad blood here, the site of an Republican Governors Association conference, including behind-the-scenes gamesmanship between Christie and

Christie, Perry Feud Over RGA Snub To GOP Candidate Astorino

Benjamin Netanyahu To John Kerry: 'This is Not Vietnam'

Secretary of State John Kerry had numerous conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and other Israeli and Palestinian officials about the violence erupting in Gaza. The New Republic describes those meetings and one conversation in

CBP Intercepts 67 Extremely Invasive Giant African Snails at LAX

U.S. Customs and Border agents may have to allow young unaccompanied illegal immigrants into the country, but giant African snails are turned away. According to a CBP press release, U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) agriculture specialists at Los Angeles

Independence Day Quotes From America's Founding Fathers

Signing the Declaration of Independence was not without its costs. Below are quotes are  from some of the signers of  America’s Declaration of Independence. There, I guess King George will be able to read that. – John Hancock They that

Virginia Voter ID Law Goes Into Effect Tomorrow

Virginia’s voter ID law will go into effect on July 1. Election officials held 13 regional training sessions in May for registrars and their staffs, the Associated Press reported. The new law now requires that registered voters who come to

Virginia Voter ID Law Goes Into Effect Tomorrow

Government Sources: Rise in Illegals from Countries with Ties to Terrorism

Government sources told Breitbart News there is a “great uptick” of Special Interest Aliens (SIA) crossing the border since the surge of illegal immigrants have been crossing the southern border. SIAs are individuals entering the United States from foreign countries with

Government Sources: Rise in Illegals from Countries with Ties to Terrorism

Congressman Investigates Role Of La Raza In Border Crisis

A key congressman says he is investigating claims a left-wing pro-amnesty group is encouraging people in Central America to come illegally to the U.S., but the group firmly denies it is doing so and the information is only hearsay. Congressman

Cruz To Holder: Appoint Special Prosecutor Or Face Impeachment

If Attorney General Eric Holder refuses to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal, he should be impeached, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said for the first time today. “If this resolution is not passed and Democrats in the

Cruz To Holder: Appoint Special Prosecutor Or Face Impeachment

Claudia Tenney Loses to GOP Incumbent Richard Hanna in NY-22

NY Republican Assembly Woman Claudia Tenney lost the 22nd district’s GOP Congressional primary to Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY) on Tuesday night.  Tenney exceeded expectations in the contentious race where the incumbent, Hanna, spent over 2 million dollars to win his re-election

Claudia Tenney Loses to GOP Incumbent Richard Hanna in NY-22

NY22 Voter Says Hanna Camp Sent Wrong Polling Place Information

A voter in Rep. Richard Hanna’s district sent Breitbart News the following e-mail: My precinct usually votes at the local Jewish Community Center in Vestal, NY in Broome County.  I suppose because tomorrow’s election is just a Republican primary for

Hanna Camp Attempts to Throw Tenney Ads Off Air.

The NY GOP congressional primary in the 22nd district is getting nastier. On Monday morning, NY Republican Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney’s campaign received notice that TV stations in the 22nd district were sent a cease and desist order from Rep. Richard

Hanna, In Primary Battle, Supports Amnesty

Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY) , an immigration reform supporter told  WRVO early last year his support for the legislation stems from providing a legal way for illegal immigrants to work. Hanna told WRVO at the time, farmers can’t find enough

Rick Santorum To Tell 50,000 NY 22 Voters to Support Tenney

Former Senator Rick Santorum participated in a last minute robo-call pitch for Republican Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney. Citizens United Political Victory Fund, the political action committee arm the group Citizens United, Told it will finance the Santorum robocalls supporting Tenney’s