Kurt Schlichter

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Articles by Kurt Schlichter

Cronkite's Legacy Includes the Killing Fields of Cambodia

Walter Cronkite passed away a few days ago and pardon me for not joining the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the professional media mandarins. The fact is that Cronkite was an over-praised meat puppet, a doctrinaire liberal-left talking head

The Force is With Sarah Palin

Not to go an analogy too far, but Sarah Palin seems to be taking a page from the Hollywood playbook of George Lucas. She has just completed her own introductory trilogy, and it was an astonishing success. First, she was

Troopathon 2009: We Really Do Love Care Packages

I got a phone call yesterday from my buddy who is currently commanding a combat arms battalion in Iraq. Things are calm – at least, they were yesterday. He’ll be coming home in the next few months just as a

Ernest Borgnine: All-American Badass

Compared to the generic twerps the Hollywood machine pumps out today and labels as “stars,” at 92, Ernest Borgnine remains the real deal. He is to the genetically-engineered robots like the Zac Effrons and Robert Pattinsons of the world what

Has America Gone Crazy the Last Two Weeks?

On a trip that included a leg in a Blackhawk helicopter, I stepped off a KLM jet at LAX Monday after nearly a day in the air and found that apparently, during a short 9-day absence, my country had gone

Memorial Day: A Rejection of Peacenik Foolishness

Memorial Day puts the lie to the nonsense that violence never solves anything. Those rows of white tombstones decorated with little flags are the reason Americans don’t walk downtown, past the ruins where the synagogue once stood, to grab a

'Antichrist': Lars von Trier Bores Me

Antichrist hasn’t even come out in the United States and I’m already bored. If you haven’t heard about Antichrist yet, you will. It’s the latest movie from Danish art film director Lars von Trier, who has made a name for

News Media: Stop Digging

The first rule of getting out of a hole you have dug yourself into is to stop digging. But at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner Saturday, they handed out shovels at the door. Let’s review the state of American journalism.

Sergeants Rock

I just cannot get behind this Star Trek rebirth. The whole thing is just so unrealistic. Not the warp speed or phasers or beaming about the universe – those are at least remotely plausible. I am talking about the fact

The Elizabeth Edwards Pity Party

Elizabeth Edwards has hit the chat show circuit to hawk her new memoir “Resilience.” Her interview with Oprah airs Thursday. Elizabeth has some important lessons to teach the young women of today. The most important of these lessons is to

Hollywood's Default Villain: Your Employer

Watching “24” this week, I realized that our number one threat is multi-national corporations with battalions of hired killers on the payroll. Similarly, “Michael Clayton,” “The International,” the new “State of Play” and many others have taught me that big

The Most Conservative Show On Television

America is facing a self-esteem crisis. There’s too damn much of it. In a nation where failure is rewarded with bailouts, the successful are public enemy number one and society’s nannies spread the lie that everyone is a winner, a

Memo to Hollywood: There's Money Sitting On the Table

That the SEALs solved the pirate problem with three shots/three kills last weekend was no surprise; what was should have been really interesting to those of you in the Industry was the American public’s reaction. The public was thrilled. The

The Real Hollywood Supports Our Troops

As a veteran, I want to say “Thanks” to Hollywood. Too often, the only thing we hear about the Industry is that a new movie is coming out that portrays our soldiers as near mindless half-wits turned into raving murderers