Ron Futrell

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Articles by Ron Futrell

Can I Have My Sports Without Political Correctness?

I watched the LA Lakers and Golden St. Warriors going through their pre-game routine the other night and saw them wearing “NBA GREEN” on their warm-ups. “How great is this, the NBA is finally admitting that it’s all about the

What To Do With Donald Trump?

The activist old media have a dilemma here, what to do with one of their most powerful and favorite persons who lives in their favorite city on the planet? The Donald is causing them trouble and you can see their

Media Covers for Obama On Gitmo

Barack Obama ain’t closing Gitmo and the media is there to make excuses for him. Shocking. There are as many examples of this as there are members of the activist old media, but let’s take this brilliant note from Good

Couric Blames Local News Ratings for Her Failure

This is funny and sad at the same time. Katie Couric is out at CBS later this year and before she heads out the door, she slaps local CBS affiliates across the face and blames them for her poor ratings.

The Chris Matthews Show; Groucho Marx Takes Us To War

In between watching March Madness and NASCAR I try to spend half hour on Sunday with my favorite lefty talk show host, Chris Matthews. The gymnastics he performs as he tries to protect Dear Leader always makes for great sport.

Libyan War, Quickly To The Backburner

As deceptive as the activist old media can be, nobody will accuse them of being total idiots. Barack Obama has stepped in it and the media will do everything it can to hide the smell. They are hoping and praying

Will The Media Call Obama a Hypocrite?

Mr. Nobel Peace Prize has launched hundreds of Cruise Missiles into Libya inflicting major damage and killing civilians. He has also kept two wars going while ramping up the battle in Afghanistan. Sounds like a warmonger. Now, I’m not here

The Media Version of March Madness!

I’ve got your March Madness right here. We have a Supreme Leader in this country who is living fat off the land while the rest of us struggle through the worst recession in our lifetimes. All of this while the

The Oil Cabal — The President and His Media

Okay, I guess I seem a little obsessed by this gas price thing — but I have a couple of good reasons for it. One, like everybody else I fill up twice a week and I think swear words whenever

Media Honesty Needed, Now More Than Ever

The horrific disaster in Japan is no excuse for horrible reporting. In fact, we need accurate reporting now more than ever to tell us exactly what is going on in the wake of this awful disaster. There seems to be

ABC Finally Asks The Oil Question

On “Good Morning America,” Robin Roberts asks, “is there anything the President can really do to stop the rising gas prices here at home? Jake Tapper has more …” Finally an answer! Finally! They must’ve read my previous colums here

Media Hides Real Reason for Rise in Gas Prices

Fill ‘er up folks. Gas prices in Southern California have hit $4.59 a gallon. Oh, the media has finally started covering “Pain at the Pump” but they are not giving us the real reasons for the jump. Unrest in the

Media Panders to Democrat Crybabies

One of the first things you learn on the school yard is how to play fair and play by the rules. Pick the game, it doesn’t matter—you play it to the finish, you play hard, you play by the rules

Shocker: Leftist Reporter Prank Calls Scott Walker

Here are the tactics the left and its activist old media is resorting to. Prank calling Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, and trying to trap him into being somebody he is not. Ian Murphy, a liberal blogger for The Beast in

How's That New Civility Workin' Fer Ya?

Didn’t take long for Democrat activists to violate their call for civility. We knew this would happen, but where is activist old media holding these protesters accountable? It was the media who told us (before any of the facts were

Barry The Budget Buster!

Barry is now a budget buster. After being told by the media that President Obama is the new Ronald Reagan, we are now being told he is busting the budget. “The President says the plan he’s sending to Congress today

When Will The World Love Us?

The media told us during the 2008 election that the world would love us if we elected Barack Hussein Obama to the White House. Certainly the Muslin world would adore us after we got rid of Evil Bush. We were

The Real Time Magazine Cover

Since Time Magazine has decided to suspend disbelief (which is the nice phrase that Hillary Clinton once used to describe General Petraeus back when the left hated him) by putting Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan on the cover of their

Proof There is Always Room For Libs in TV News

I’ve worked in enough TV newsrooms and been in enough TV newsrooms to know what they like. Read a prompter, do a good live shot, make no waves, and fit the lib politics, and you will be loved and will

The Media's "Strain of Thought"

A week after launching vicious and inaccurate attacks on conservatives, the media preached civility on its Sunday shows. This is the media, the most un-civil lot out there that has all of a sudden supposedly found “religion” when it comes

Seriously? CNN Just Doesn't Get It

Poor politically correct leftists in the activist old media. They are now stumbling and bumbling all over themselves when they use words that they feel Americans do not want used in a political context. This is about as silly as

Media Praises The New Civility

All rally around the Civility Pole. The latest example of supposed civility is nothing more than a “made for TV” battle cry that the media will love. Mark Udal of Colorado proposed that Congress sit in no particular political side

The Sheriff and The Media

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik knows exactly what he’s doing. He has become a media darling because he is telling them exactly what they want to hear. Facts be damned, he’ll keep enforcing their template until this foolishness takes hold.

Maddening Rhetoric

This was a madman. The activist old media will work overtime to lay the blame for the tragic shooting in Arizona yesterday at the feet of conservatives because that is the only template they have. They will ignore the facts

Video Controversey 2011!

A new year and a new horrific story of US military gone wild! Captain Owen Honors has been relieved of his duties over the aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise because of some joke videos he made a couple of years

… Meanwhile, President Obama is in Hawaii.

Where are the obvious transitions, the segues that TV news loves so much? I’ve seen them so strained that while anchoring a newscast I once refused to read a segue that went from Thanksgiving dinner to a double fatal car

Yeeeeee Hawwwww! Prices Are Going Up For The New Year!

The excitement from ABC’S Good Morning America could hardly be contained. Oh, it started out on a somber note about the price of everything going up in 2011. Populist concern showed on Robin Roberts face as she said, “The former

Christmas Presents for One and All

Oh, the spirit 0f giving is in the air— With that thought we take a sneek peek under the tree of those who lead this great nation through perilous times—–gifts deserved, gifts needed. JANET NAPALITANO– Binoculars. High powered. Aimed at

Where Are the Stories On the Death of the Democrat Party?

November 2nd was not a pendulum swing, it was the beginning of a movement. The activist old media and their Democrat friends act like this is just another fad that will come and go quickly—just like they saw in 2008

Chris Matthews Thinks Obama Is a Victim

When can you call the most powerful person in the world a victim of those conniving right-wing radicals in the US Senate? When you’re Chris Matthews and you have your own little silly Sunday show, you can. Watch the video,

Pain At The Pump, Where's The Media?

Oh, the activists in the old media commit sins of omission and sins of commission, sometimes both in the same story. Take those pesky little ol gas prices that have now skyrocketed to more than $3.00 a gallon. For months

Old Media and Their Short Memories

It seems the activist old media is a lot older than originally thought – they’ve already forgotten one of their favorite stories during the George W. Bush Administration. Anybody remember Valerie Plame? Ah – Valerie Plame and her hubby Joe

CBS Should Recuse Itself From All Supreme Court Interviews

60 Minutes talking to a leftist Supreme Court Justice. Blind leading the blind and both fell into the ditch. I went into the Scott Pelley interview with retired Justice John Paul Stevens with low expectations and I was not disappointed.

'News By Committee' Dumbs Down Journalism

Oh, it’s the beginning of the holiday season so I am full of positive feelings and nice thoughts so it’s time to give credit where credit is due. Maybe I’m just full of turkey, but either way optimism is in

Is This About Dancing With The Stars or Something More?

Please, somebody talk me out of finishing this column. Dancing With the Stars, seriously? But- – the anger the media is displaying over the success of Bristol Palin has to be much more entertaining than the show could ever be.

Man up, Media and Open Your Eyes!

If Obama does not get it after this election, he never will. If the media does not get it after this election, it never will. Now, you could easily argue that Obama absolutely gets it and he is doing exactly

Seriously Steve, This Is All You've Got?

Steve Kroft got to sit down with the leader of the free world for a “60 Minutes” broadcast that aired Sunday night. Which brings us to his excuse for losing the last election. Twice Obama intonated that the reason he

My Media Advice to Conservatives Who Just Won Elections

There will be a lot of people giving a lot of advice to the new Republicans who will be taking office in DC in January. I will give mine. Have no fear of the activist old media. They have rendered