American College of Physicians Endorses Same-Sex Marriage, Transgender Issues

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

The American College of Physicians (ACP), the largest group of internal medicine doctors in the country, has now parroted the LGBT supporters’s line, calling for civil marriage rights for same-sex couples and opposing conversion or reparative therapy for homosexuals.

The College also champions health insurance plans covering comprehensive transgender healthcare services. The College’s president Dr. Wayne J. Riley proudly proclaimed, “The LGBT community deserves the same high quality care that any community in the United States should be getting, but may not be getting,” adding that the college’s just-published policy position paper in the Annals of Internal Medicine is “based upon our longstanding policy in regard to eliminating healthcare disparities.”

The paper cites that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) estimate that roughly 1.1 million people in the U.S. have contracted HIV, and one-sixth of those are undiagnosed. The ACP also states that lesbian and bisexual women don’t get screened for breast or cervical cancer as much as heterosexual women.

The paper asserts that gender identity must be factored in non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies.

Riley pontificated, “This speaks to the fact that the nation’s largest specialty society comes down on the side of health equity for all.”

It’s not surprising that the ACP endorsed the LGBT line; it vehemently opposed the Hobby Lobby decision, writing:

The American College of Physicians (ACP) is deeply concerned about the adverse impact on healthcare that may result from today’s Supreme Court ruling that allows “closely held” for-profit employers to opt-out of evidence-based contraceptive coverage requirements. We believe that this decision will make it more difficult for women to access affordable contraceptives, and potentially, open the door for for-profit employers to seek additional exemptions from other evidence-based coverage requirements established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The ACP gushed in 2012 over ObamaCare: “The American College of Physicians (ACP), representing 132,000 internal medicine specialists and medical student members, is pleased to report that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has resulted in major improvements in access and coverage for tens of millions of Americans seen by internal medicine physicians.”


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