Look How Well That Rush Boycott Worked

Look How Well That Rush Boycott Worked

Media Matters’ boycott of Rush Limbaugh worked so well that today the radio personality was inducted into the Hall of Famous Missourians

… Rush Limbaugh — or rather, a bronze bust of the conservative radio host — will be inducted into the Missouri Capitol’s “Hall of Famous Missourians.”

The hall, located in a rotunda of the capitol, features busts of President Harry Truman, Walter Cronkite, Mark Twain, Walt Disney and George Washington Carver.According to the Kansas City Star, House Speaker Steve Tilley, a Republican, selected Limbaugh for the honor, and his bust will be financed by the the Speaker’s Annual Golf Classic.

Since the astroturfed ploy to extricate Limbaugh from the airwaves, the world-famous talker has seen an increase in ratings


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