Brazilian Testicle Mascot ‘Mr. Balls’ Promotes Cancer Awareness

Brazilian Testicle Mascot ‘Mr. Balls’ Promotes Cancer Awareness

BRAZIL — In order to raise awareness about testicular cancer, a Brazilian non profit organization has created a mascot named “Senhor Testiculo,” which translated into English means “Mr. Balls.” Shaped like a scrotum and donning a healthy head of hair, Mr. Balls “has done his job helping propel testicular cancer research into the media spotlight,” according to the group’s web site. 

Brazil’s Association of Personal Assistance for Cancer is the force behind Mr. Balls, and added that “both children and adults loved taking pictures with the mascot, a friendly snowman in the shape of [a] testicle.”

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of Hispanic males affected by testicular cancer in recent years. 

Mr. Balls was not readily available for comment. 


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