Illegal immigration harms black Americans by consuming resources for public education and driving up housing costs, explained Marcus, an attendee of a demonstration on Saturday outside the White House arranged by Candace Owens’s Blexit organization.
Breitbart News asked Marcus, one of hundreds of demonstrators, what he would tell President Donald Trump if given the chance.
Marcus replied:
I would tell [Trump] to work on the immigration situation. When it comes to black folks and immigration, it really hurts the black community when illegals come into the community. They go straight to the black neighborhoods. They don’t go into Georgetown, Beverly Hills, or places like that. We have to fight for those resources, so I think if we can really get a handle on illegal immigration, it would really help out the black community.
Marcus highlighted public education and the cost of housing as two areas negatively impacted by illegal immigration:
When you go into some of these schools in the inner cities, they’re always maxed out, because you have a lot of illegals coming to these schools and it’s taking up a lot of resources. So when you have a school classroom size that might have been meant for say, 12 or 13 kids who live in the neighborhood, now you bring illegals in, it pumps it up to 20, 25, and it’s hard for the teacher to teach that many kids.
“When it comes to resources [such as] welfare programs and things of that nature, it makes it kind of difficult for black folks,” concluded Marcus. “Housing is another thing, as well. It’s hard to find affordable housing, and when illegals come into the country, it messes up affordable housing.”
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