Tuesday on FNC’s “Hannity,” former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort reacted to the FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago.
According to Manafort, the country was under attack, adding he saw Trump’s political opposition as “afraid” of him.
Partial transcript as follows:
MANAFORT: Well, Sean, unfortunately, I think things are getting worse even. And, I mean, to quote Yogi Berra, it’s deja vu all over again.
What they’re doing with President Trump last night, it’s a fishing expedition. They’re afraid of him politically still. They’re trying to change the agenda for the fall elections. This is a pretty good agenda-changer, getting them focused on Donald Trump. The president’s not going to let that happen.
But what Biden has done — I mean, Senator Rubio said a few minutes ago on your show he’s worried that the next people in line are going to be the supporters of Trump. They’re already being attacked, the parents at school board meetings, victims of crimes, Border Patrol.
I mean, America is under — under attack. The Biden administration is sending a signal to all of those supporters in the red states that we’re going after your president, and we will go after you too.
And the 80,000 to 87,000 IRS agents that are going to be hired, they’re not going after — going to be in the blue states. They’re going to be in the red states. So, this pattern that we’re seeing here is what I experienced.
And, in my book, I talk about how, if they’re going to do it to me, just watch out, because they could come after — come after anybody, and they’re doing that now. And going after the president yesterday, it was a fishing expedition. They did that to me. When they raided my home, they didn’t know what they wanted.
They went in — just like I have heard tonight on an earlier broadcast, they went into my wife’s wardrobes. They went into all of mine. They didn’t know what they’re looking for. And, in the end, it was supposedly Russian collusion and FARA. There was nothing about any of that.
They were just trying to find things. And they still couldn’t, by the way. They had to go and break somebody and to get him to, because he’d committed crimes, to lie, so that they could get me, to try and get me to turn on Trump, which I wouldn’t do.
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