McCaskill: We Need to ‘Push’ Religious Leaders to Speak Out Against Trump

MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill said Monday on “Deadline” that religious leaders need to be pushed to criticize former President Donald Trump.

The panel was discussing Trump saying on Truth Social Saturday that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had a “death wish” for supporting Democrats’ bills. He referred to McConnell’s wife, former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, as “China-loving wife, Coco Chow.”

McCaskill said, “I’m just worn slick being ashamed and disappointed at my former friends who are not standing up to this kind of disgusting behavior. I am just worn slick. Now, here’s a sentence that Mitch McConnell should practice in front of the mirror. I may vote for the Republican nominee, but I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure it’s not Donald Trump. They should all try that out. Liz Cheney is doing it. She’s saying she will do everything in her power to keep Donald Trump from power again. And that’s what they should all be doing.”

She added, “We’ve said on this show, week after week, and called out the cowardice of the Republican leaders, their failures to do the right thing. One of the things that we have done with extremism around the globe and even in this country is go out to communities and talk to leaders, particularly religious leaders. Maybe it’s time to call on all of the rabbis and priests and imams and ministers, especially Evangelical ministers, to ask them to take — Evangelical ministers should take the Gospel and put it up against what Donald Trump is doing and talk about that guns are not the answer, and violence is not the answer. Ministers and religious leaders in this country need to start taking a leadership role. They are sitting back and letting Donald Trump speak with moral authority with the immoral things he says and does? It is unbelievable to me. Republicans, I’ve given up on. Maybe religious leaders, maybe we should start trying to push them more.”

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