On Thursday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) stated that many House Democrats believe “people liked what we were selling.”
Co-host Joe Mathieu asked, “[W]hat will be Democrats’ posture on the issue of DREAMers, then, … knowing that Republicans were elected in part, Donald Trump elected in part, due to his approach to the border, DREAMers weren’t even mentioned in the Senate deal on the border that never, of course, became law earlier this year, one that Donald Trump did not want to see passed, will they be included in this debate in the new Congress?”
Casten answered, “Well, look, let me speak to this from the perspective of the House, yes, Donald Trump won the election. The House gained seats. We picked up two seats in the last election. And so, you’ve got a lot of people on my side of the aisle who are pretty content that people liked what we were selling. And we are in a rapidly growing economy. I have yet to meet an employer in the last three years who wasn’t saying we have a real problem finding qualified people. The CBO said that part of the reason why inflation in the United States came down so much faster than other countries is because we have had a growth in net immigration to this country. So, if you want inflation to be down, if you want to make sure that employers can find workers, we need to make sure that we have a humane, robust immigration system that continues to attract the best and brightest. And what I think all of us are telling our Republican colleagues is to go read Ronald Reagan’s farewell speech when he said that I’ve always seen America as a great shining city on a hill and if it must have walls, make sure it has doors and windows so that those with the means and ability can come inside. That’s the message we need to remind people of, because that’s the only thing that has ever really made America great.”
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