Trump: California Shouldn’t Get Disaster Money Until They Change Water Policies

During a portion of an interview aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” President Donald Trump argued that California should not get any money for disaster relief until there are changes made to the state’s water policies.

Host Sean Hannity asked, [relevant exchange begins around 5:30] “Will you give — obviously, Americans want to help other Americans in need, okay? Fair enough, we do that. … Should the money be contingent on them practicing the science of forestry?”

Trump answered, “I don’t think we should give California anything until they let water flow down into their –.”

Hannity then cut in to say, “From the north to the south.”

Trump continued, “This is a political thing, I don’t know what it is, they talk about the Delta smelt, it’s a little tiny fish like this, they say it’s an endangered species. Well, how is it endangered? No wonder it’s endangered, it’s not getting any water.”

Trump also stated that the Delta smelt isn’t really endangered, protecting the fish isn’t the actual rationale for California’s water policies, and that a large sum of money will be needed for Los Angeles in the wake of the fires.

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