Round Two: New Jersey Woman Sentenced for Supporting ISIS a Second Time

islamic state women

New Jersey native Sinmyah Amera Ceasar was sentenced again Monday for her support of the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group after being arrested in 2016 for the same offense.

Reports state that after her first arrest, Ceasar continued spreading terrorist propaganda on social media sites where she connected interested parties to fellow terror supporters. 

“She played two main roles, which I would characterize as a disseminator and a connector,” Dr. Lorenzo Vivilo of George Washington University said during his testimony Monday. 

According to a report by the New York Times, another woman, Waheba Issa Dais, who is a Wisconsin resident, recently plead guilty to supporting ISIS by sharing instructions for building bombs and mixing poisons via hacked Facebook accounts. 

Like Ceasar, Dais used said accounts to “recruit new members for the terrorist group, encourage supporters who said they wanted to launch terrorist attacks, and share plans for building explosives.” 

Dais reportedly asked an undercover officer on Facebook whether or not he remembered the Boston Marathon bombing. 

“It was very easy to make,” she said. “All it needs is a pressure cooker, shrapnel and explosives. Join my channel and research.” 

In an article posted by the Atlantic Council, author Feras Hanoush warns of the important role women play in ISIS recruitment. 

“They would work via social media and manage jihadist forums. They connected new adherents to ISIS leadership and convinced local women to join ISIS and marry its members,” the author states. 

“Women targeted schools and poor neighborhoods to proselytize female students and develop better relationships with target individuals,” the author continues. “This made them feel like they were part of a group by having long, tireless conversations with them online.”

Georgia resident Kim Anh Vo was also arrested in March and charged with “conspiring to provide material support for ISIS,” according to a report by National Public Radio (NPR).   

Vo allegedly joined an online network of people called the United Cyber Caliphate and “joined an online group that pledged allegiance to ISIS and committed to carrying out online attacks and cyber intrusions against Americans,” the complaint states.


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