George Lopez to Sheriff Arpaio: 'F**k You, You Fat Mother F**cker'

George Lopez to Sheriff Arpaio: 'F**k You, You Fat Mother F**cker'

George Lopez went political on his live HBO special “It’s Not Me, It’s You” last night.

He joked that Mitt Romney was a closeted Latino since his father was born in Mexico but saved his harshest words for famed Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The lawman known for his hardline stance against illegal immigration endured a flurry of F-bombs from the former late night show host, and there wasn’t a joke to be found in the lot.

And while we’re at it Sheriff Joe in Arizona – f–k you you f–king puto. How about that? F–k you. You fat mother f–ker. F–k you. I said I was going to talk some s–t. F–k you Sheriff Joe you f–king puto. F–k you. F–k you.


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