Just in time for Veterans Day, the talented singer/songwriter, producer and Founder of The Warrior Song Project, Sean Householder delivers his latest installment to his music video series honoring our Armed Forces, giving the United States Air Force one hell of a salute.
The Warrior Song – Aer Vis (Latin for Air Force; pronounced “air-vee” ) is, without a doubt, everything and more than what Householder fans could expect. With seriously mad guitar riffs; powerful, goosebump-inducing lyrics; vocals with The Warrior Songs’ signature “take-no-prisoners” ‘tude; and action-packed video footage, Aer Vis is sure to motivate more than a few fans to make a beeline to their nearest Air Force recruiting office.
It wouldn’t be the first time Householder’s powerful videos,which have all gone viral, reaching millions of YouTube viewers,on the dotted line either.
When discussing his latest version, The Warrior Song, Aer Vis, Householder said in an interview on BigDawg Music Radio’s broadcast of Off the Hook:
I really went to the ends of the Earth on this one and tried to write an almost entirely new song. In the past, The Warrior Songs have kind of been basically to take the same skeleton or framework and also modify a few words to make it particular to the branch that it’s about. In this particular song I threw out almost everything – I only kept a handful of original lyrics that people told me they had an affinity for – and then I wrote all new ones.
Householder wrote The Warrior Song, and its subsequent follow-ups for the Marine Corps (Hard Corps), the Navy (Leviathan), and now the Air Force (Aer Vis), to show support to our military men and women. He described it as “a morale booster…a fight song.” His main goal is to finish The Warrior Songs for all branches of service and “to keep the spirit of the project on the track that it’s been on all this time.”
Householder’s songs have been adopted into military basic training regiments throughout the U.S. and abroad, included in many police and law enforcement training programs, featured on radio programs in every major terrestrial market in the US and its territories, and the video has been displayed at major music festivals and concerts across the country as well.
The Warrior Song Project has helped raise more than $100,000 for various military charities including the Armed Forces Relief Trust.
You can learn more about Householder’s work on his official website and keep up with his latest efforts at Facebook and at BigDawg Music Mafia.
From all of us “BigDawgers,” Happy Veterans Day to all who have served or are currently serving in our Armed Forces. We salute you all.
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