Feminists Attack Amy Schumer’s ‘I Feel Pretty’ Trailer for Reinforcing Un-Woke Beauty Standards

STX Entertainment/Screenshot

Amy Schumer’s upcoming comedy, I Feel Pretty, is already facing an online backlash from women who have accused the film of body shaming, reports the Daily News.

From the trailer, I Feel Pretty smells like a high concept comedy about a chubby woman named Renee (Schumer), who falls off an exercise bike and hits her head. The injury causes the insecure Renee to see herself as she has always wanted to see herself — as the most beautiful, confident, and capable woman in the world.

High jinks ensue as a woman who looks like Amy Schumer runs around acting like a woman who looks like a swimsuit supermodel.

With two massive box office flops already on her three-film résumé, I Feel Pretty looks like a shallow, one-joke movie that gives Schumer the opportunity to once again reheat her schtick where she self-consciously acts like a younger, thinner, prettier, more confident and likable version of herself. It also comes off like a remake of Shallow Hal (2001), but one that promotes narcissism, as opposed to a lesson about humanity and true love.

With the drop of the trailer came the online backlash. A number of women do not like the movie’s message, that basically says that women who look like Schumer are not already attractive or cannot be confident.

In fairness to the movie, these complaints (examples below) feel a bit premature. Does anyone honestly believe that the movie’s premise is also its message? One of the more tired aspects of the trailer is how predictable it feels, how 45 seconds in you already know how the story ends: Renee’s head injury heals, she goes back to seeing herself as she really is, but now she has a great boyfriend, a great  job, and the life she always wanted — and she did it all without looking like a Victoria’s Secret model.

The lesson is to love yourself for who you are, because, you know, we are all beautiful. I am not saying that is a bad message. A smart, confident woman with a sense of humor and nice clothes can be attractive regardless of her size.

It is, though, like I said, a bit predictable. And the best movies are about learning selflessness, about discovering that everything is not all about you  (see: Hal, Shallow). Unfortunately, this Woke Generation is desperately in love with their oh-so-superior selves.


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