Anonymous Donor Gifts $2,200 Stimulus to Colorado Family in Need

Family in Need Receives $2200

An anonymous donor and small business owner from Colorado gifted $2,200 in stimulus money to a Colorado family in need.

Alicia Wantuch is struggling to make ends meet these days, as she tries to take care of two small children and her husband tries to work two jobs. Wantuch was also recently diagnosed with a rare bone cancer called Ewing Sarcoma.

That is when Castle Rock police Officer Seth Morrissey stepped in to help.

“Knowing their situation, as soon as I got the call yesterday about our amazing citizen who wanted to help out, I knew exactly who it could go to,” Morrissey told KDVR.

A small business owner in the area told the local police that they wanted to donate their stimulus check to a needy family.

“As soon as Alicia saw it, you could tell. She knew what a bank envelope looks like and just, tears started. There must have been some dust in the air, I started watering up because of the dust. It was amazing!” Morrissey said.

The envelope had $2,200 and an answer to a prayer inside.

“He handed it to my daughter and she brought it to me and I just broke down in tears because we’ve been buried in bills since my diagnosis and didn’t know what we were going to do. Honestly, an answer to prayer,” Wantuch said.

The donor also sent diapers and groceries.

The business owner could not be identified, but it was a business shut down due to the coronavirus.

The Castle Rock Police say the donation is not surprising.

“That’s Castle Rock. That’s the way our residents are. They take care of each other,” Morrissey said.

This anonymous donor is not the only one using his stimulus money for good. A Dallas, Texas, teacher is putting his stimulus money to good use to create masks for his students.

For those still waiting on their stimulus checks from the government, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has created a tool to track their checks by entering a Social Security number, date-of-birth, and mailing address.


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