Road Rage: Man Runs Over Mechanic in Fight over Bill

Crazy mechanic (MattysFlicks / Flickr / CC / Cropped)
MattysFlicks / Flickr / CC / Cropped

In a bizarre road rage incident, an angry customer who argued with his mechanic over repairs to a truck part on New Year’s Eve decided to run him over, breaking his leg.

According to local Fox affiliate Fox5, the argument took place on Thursday in Otay Mesa, San Diego around 3:15 p.m.

The 41-year-old male driver reportedly got into his car and drove over the 35-year-old mechanic, who suffered a compound fracture to a leg bone.

The driver was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon.

This past May, an argument over the cost of a car repair bill also turned violent up north in Hayward when a customer ran over an auto mechanic with his car. According to the Contra Costa Times, the victim was taken to the hospital and treated for serious but non-life threatening injuries.

The driver was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and for violating his probation.

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