Islam and Marxism From Allah to Alinsky: Introduction

Daily we are struck with ever more outrageous signs of an administration that seems to lack all common sense when it comes to Islam, and the violent and peaceful jihad being waged against the West. We have a President who bows down to our enemies and excoriates our staunchest of allies, an Attorney General who cannot bring himself to say the phrase “radical Islam,” and a National Security Adviser who refers to Jerusalem as “al Quds.”


More generally, the Left in this country and abroad has in recent generations consistently sided with Muslim causes, seemingly inexplicably in light of the gross civil rights violations of Islamic nations and if nothing else the disproportionate liberalism of prominent Jewry.

Those who see moral equivalence between the Islamic world and the Western World, and act accordingly, often aggressively opposing Israel are not limited to politicians such as Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama, but naturally other molders of public opinion in academia and the media. I recently questioned why our media portrayed barbarians such as Anwar Al-Awlaki, Nidal Malik Hasan and Faisal Shahzad in a sympathetic light.

My conclusion was that there could be only four explanations for why the media tries so hard to rationalize the most horrible of acts against our own citizens, in light of the teachings of

“Islamic scholars such as Robert Spencer…counter-terrorism experts such as Stephen Coughlin, apostates such as Mossan Hasab Youssef and political activists such as Pamela Geller…These folks and a handful of others argue that the proper doctrinal understanding of Islam is that it is a theo-political ideology that sanctions jihad both violent and peaceful. On the latter point, inquiring minds may want to look into the crucial Islamic tenet of taqiyya, which encourages Muslims to use any and all deceptive means possible to push for increasing dhimmitude and ultimately full on submission to Sharia by nonbeliever infidels.”

The aforementioned potential explanations are below.

1. The first is that the media is genuinely ignorant of this viewpoint. And if they have heard of the people who present this theory, it is probably only in context of a CAIR spokesman going on a diatribe about how intolerant they are. Thus, the school is merely marginalized.

2. The second is that the media has grappled with Islamic law and believes the position of these experts to be incorrect. That would be news to all of us.

3. The third is that the media understands this school, and may even believe it to have an inkling of merit, but finds it to be too politically incorrect for it to present. If this is the case, then not only is the media being cowardly and not doing its job of presenting all relevant viewpoints, but it is saying that political correctness trumps truth. This is of course the hallmark of leftism which subverts truth in promoting a system of social and economic policies that is wholly sophistic. More importantly, a failure to acknowledge this school might amount to tacit complicity.

4. The fourth and most frightening possibility is that the media knows these positions to be true, but continues to lie and give deceptive apologists, Muslim and non-Muslim, a legitimate platform with which to mislead the American public. This would essentially be the Walter Duranty option. And this would explain why we see such charming words being ascribed to the barbarians who attack us. As far as I am concerned, this camp would be blatantly complicit with our enemies. Praise the real enemies and vilify the Tea Partiers.

We can extend these categories to all Leftists. And the question then becomes, given the disastrous political situation that we find ourselves in today vis-à-vis our policy with regard to the Islamic world and our relations with Israel, what are we to make of all of this? How can things be as they are?

In this series I will explain how Leftists and jihadist Muslims which I will define loosely as those who work to advance Islamic supremacy and their supporters reconcile their differences to ally against classical Western Civilization, due to the commonality between Leftist theory and Islamic religious doctrine, and the practices carried out to mold our culture to these ideologies.


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