National Security Will Be Huge Issue in 2012

Short memo to the Tea Party, Libertarians, Policy Wonks, et al….

Friends, you’re about to have the rug pulled out from under you and the rest of us to the right of center are going to be tripped up too. Myopic fixation with America’s domestic affairs to the exclusion of the growing turmoil overseas won’t carry much weight with voters in the summer and fall of 2012. If the current economic turnaround stays on track, by the time the next election rolls around Obama will own the bragging rights and recovery from past Republican economic policies will be his number one talking point. So what will you use to run against him then? “Reining in entitlements?” Don’t make me laugh.

2010 will not be the same as 2012. The Republican presidential candidate won’t be able to ignore “foreign entanglements,” or wish they would go away, without first succeeding to give Obama a second term.

For a primer on the world to come, and the American vulnerability Obama has induced, read here and here.


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