Obama Outsourcing Our Sovereignty to 'The International Community'

It’s the perfect career segue. Former New York Times UN bureau chief Barbara Crossette has found a home writing for the moribund leftwing rag The Nation. Here’s Crossette’s enthusiastic description of The Obama Doctrine and its new rules for the projection of American military power overseas.

Security Council Vote on Libya Breaches Old Barriers

“…the Obama administration, working within a truly global environment at the UN, was able to demonstrate in the case of Libya its frequently articulated belief that these are the times when international agreement and action is essential in meeting a crisis where many lives are at stake. The Security Council has not only referred the Libyan regime to the International Criminal Court for possible prosecution but has also made it possible to take drastic action in the near term to stop the colonel from annihilating his opposition.”

In a nutshell, UN approval is all that Obama requires whenever he decides to use American forces for foreign intervention. Damn the opinion, consent or timely notification of Congress, let alone the American people who will be risking their lives and paying the bills.


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