UPI Almanac for Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019

Today is Saturday, Aug. 10, the 222nd day of 2019 with 143 to follow.

The moon is waxing. Morning stars are Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn and Uranus. Evening stars are Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Saturn and Uranus.

Those born on this day are under the sign of Leo. They include Edmund Jennings Randolph, the first U.S. attorney general, in 1753; Herbert Hoover, 31st president of the United States, in 1874; actor Jack Haley in 1898; guitar maker Leo Fender in 1909; actor Rhonda Fleming in 1923 (age 96); singer/businessman Jimmy Dean in 1928; singer Eddie Fisher in 1928; singer Bobby Hatfield in 1940; fashion designer Betsey Johnson in 1942 (age 77); singer Ronnie Spector, born Veronica Bennett, in 1943 (age 76); rock musician Ian Anderson in 1947 (age 72); actor Rosanna Arquette in 1959 (age 60); actor Antonio Banderas in 1960 (age 59); actor Justin Theroux in 1971 (age 48); actor Angie Harmon in 1972 (age 47); writer Suzanne Collins in 1962 (age 57); political commentator Andrew Sullivan in 1963 (age 56); actor Joanna Garcia in 1979 (age 40); actor/model Devon Aoki in 1982 (age 37); actor Brenton Thwaites in 1989 (age 30); actor Lucas Till in 1990 (age 29); model/television personality Kylie Jenner in 1997 (age 22).

On this date in history:

In 1776, a committee of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson suggested the United States adopt “E pluribus unum” — “Out of many, one” — as the motto for its Great Seal.

In 1920, Francisco “Pancho” Villa surrendered to Mexican authorities — and drowned his sorrows in a bottle of cognac.

In 1962, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and three other civil rights leaders were found guilty of disorderly conduct charges in Albany, Ga. Judge Adie Durden fined each $200 and sentenced them to 60 days in jail, but immediately suspended the sentences and placed King and his associates on probation.

In 1977, 24-year-old postal employee David Berkowitz was arrested and charged with being the “Son of Sam,” the serial killer who terrorized New York City for more than a year, killing six young people and wounding seven others. Berkowitz was sentenced to life in prison.

In 1980, Hurricane Allen made landfall along the Texas coast, killing 24 people there and in Louisiana. The storm killed a 269 people through the Caribbean, Mexico and United States.

In 1991, China agreed in principle to sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.

In 1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was sworn in as the U.S. Supreme Court’s 107th justice.

In 1993, three ships collided with one another in Tampa Bay, Fla., spilling 336,000 gallons of fuel oil into the water. No one was killed. The incident marked the first time officials used a computerized trajectory model to track the location of an oil spill.

In 1996, Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole selected former congressman, Cabinet secretary and NFL quarterback Jack Kemp as his running mate.

In 2003, more than 80 inmates tunneled their way out of Brazil’s Joao Pessoa prison, one of the nation’s top security facilities.

In 2017, President Donald Trump said opioid addiction “is a serious problem the likes of which we have never had” and declared a national emergency over the crisis.

In 2018, California jurors awarded $289 million to a man with terminal cancer over reported links between Monsanto’s popular weed killer Roundup and the disease.

A thought for the day: “Older men declare war but it is youth that must fight and die.” — U.S. President Herbert Hoover


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