Now Democrats Are Throwing ACORN Under the Bus

A Staten Island Democrat is blaming her city council loss on ACORN. Apparently she didn’t know her political consultant, Scott Levenson of the Advance Group, was the same Scott Levenson that has been relentlessly defending ACORN.


Levenson has served as ACORN’s crisis communications consultant and needless to say, he’s been a busy man.

Nevertheless, Janine Materna’s loss for the South Shores City Council is ACORN’s fault. From the Staten Island Advance:

Democrat Janine Materna’s campaign is considering suing its consulting firm, the Advance Group, for $1 million, and claimed that consultant Scott Levenson’s position with the controversial ACORN group was among the reasons Ms. Materna lost the South Shore City Council race.

“It’s because of him that Janine lost the election,” said Jodi Materna, her sister’s campaign manager.

She said the campaign did not know of Levenson’s ACORN affiliation and if it had, “we never would have hired him.”

Levenson, ACORN’s national spokesman, said it was a “true sign of political immaturity to scapegoat anyone for Janine’s loss.”

Materna is not taking her loss lying down. She’s suing Levenson’s Advance Group for $1 million. A reason is not cited in the article, but we’re guessing it’s because Materna’s embarrassed that she doesn’t read the newspapers or watch cable news. If she did, she would have seen what a colorful character she had hired to run her council campaign.

And speaking of that, there’s an old saying: if you lie with dogs, expect to get fleas. This certainly seems to be the case here. The article also reported a “heated” meeting took place between the two to the point where the police were called in to intervene.

In typical fashion, similar to his obnoxious defense of ACORN, Levenson said this of his client: “The lies and erratic behavior of the Materna family are nothing more than a scam to avoid paying their bills. It is an extreme case of sore loser.”

What a peach. It should be noted Michael Gaspard, brother of White House political director Patrick Gaspard, works for Scott Levenson. How does that old saying go again?


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