Tea Party Convention Exposes Progressive Left's Age Discrimination Problem

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It’s just so amazing how the Progressive Left is the champion of minorities and the elderly. Champions that is, so long as those demographics don’t dare dissent from the rigid party ideology. If any among the members of these otherwise protected groups are struck by an independent thought, they become targets for derision from the enlightened progressive movement.

Case in point: Condoleezza Rice being labeled an Uncle Tom (or worse).

Case in point: Sarah Palin being labeled stupid.

Both of these labels are inventions and slurs of the Left, reserved for anyone who strays from the Progressive reservation.

Another case in point is the Left’s rumblings over the older demographic on display at the Tea Party Convention last weekend.


While it is true that there were a lot of older people at the event, it would be a mistake to assume the movement is limited to the elderly. The age of the demographic is likely the result of a couple of factors, price and time-to-travel being just two examples which would skew the population of this particular event.

That point aside, it is foolish and revealing that the Progressive outrage machine has swung into full gear to smear the people of this event (or any other for that matter), based on their age (and skin color).

We would think that the all-compassionate and all-wise Left wouldn’t be so quick to characterize age as a negative factor when it comes to politics.

First, it’s just plain rude. And so once again, from the perspective of basic human decency, the puerile Left effectively demonstrates that it is bankrupt. That they so callously dismiss the validity of someone’s position because of age is the telltale sign of close-minded ignorance and the epitome of crass irreverence. Yet that is what the Left is doing – and with the incontestable assistance of their media lackeys.

Surely the Left might have something to learn from people who have been around long enough to have gained wisdom through life experience. It’s almost as though the Left is somehow threatened by the experience and wisdom of those who have lived long enough to actually remember the history from which we are supposed to be proverbially learning. Now why would that be?

Second, the last time we checked, there were a crap-load of old people in this country. They don’t call Social Security reform the 3rd rail of politics for nothing. It seems politically stupid for the Progressive movement to go out of their way to mock old people as a group simply because they hold a different set of beliefs than Progressive Democrats. Surely there is no political party that can afford to alienate a demographic as large and as electorally influential as the elderly of this nation, even if its acerbic insolence delivers short-term gratification to the most bitter among its political base.

But that’s how it is in America today. If you do not fall in lock-step with the Progressive Left, you are a racist-bigot-homophobic-idiot. Now you can add dinosaur to the list of epithets the Left reserves for anyone who does not subscribe to their group-think.

Below are some images of people, old and young, whom the Progressive Left treat as worthless and without merit, simply because they don’t agree with the Progressive platform:





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