Is President Obama Using Executive Powers To Organize Angry Anti-Capitalist Protests On The Streets Of America?

From the cheap seats, it sure does look like the President of the United States is using the powers of the Executive to coordinate with Andy Stern to organize a series of protests entitled “Showdown In America.”


Earlier, we posted about the links between Andy Stern’s SEIU and a group called National People’s Action (NPA). NPA, together with SEIU and the AFL-CIO, is organizing a series of angry marches against Wall Street and capitalism.

NPA is a very dangerous and radical group that isn’t shy about its radical philosophy.

From their song book:

Who’s on your hit list NPA? Who’s on your hit list for today?

Take no prisoner, take no names.

Kick ’em in the ass when they play their games.

A slumlord never seems to learn

he brushes us off with no concern.

Until we show up at his door

and catch him with the neighborhood whore.

He’s the middleman; he puts nothing back,

dealing with HUD, taking kickbacks.

Don’t think that we won’t spread the word, we’ll fry your ass, rest assured.

NPA wrote the dreaded Community Reinvestment Act which community organizers like Barack Obama used to shake down banks.

It turns out that President Obama is even closer to the group than the two degrees of separation represented by the most frequent White House visitor, and Obama administration Debt Commission advisor, Andy Stern.

President Obama is very close with NPA board member, John McKnight. Mr. McKnight also sits on the board of the Gamaliel foundation where President Obama worked as a community organizer.

Mr. McKnight also wrote President Obama’s letter of recommendation for Harvard Law School.

In the video below, Mr. McKnight glowingly refers to President Obama as one of his students whom he helped discover.

[youtube buTGLg_c304]

NPA, which is organizing angry mobs to protest against capitalism, is very tight with the Prez, and the Prez is very tight with them.

The fix is in.

Change is coming.


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