That Didn't Take Long: Left-Media Concocts Phony Racism Charge to Perry

I’ve already written on the Left’s special plan for Rick Perry. No need to go into it here but in case you missed them:

So why are they doing it? Just know that he is an insufferable candidate: Texan, Southern, with an accent. Most grievous to their sensibilities is that he is running against President Obama. Surely the only motive to this is that he is clearly a racist. I mean why else would he be running, right?

The media doesn’t have time for Perry to come right out and say he is a neo-confederate racist, so they took the liberty of speeding things along until that time comes, courtesy of Ed Shultz. (Larry O’Connor for

Of course, they had to get creative with the editing of Perry’s speech. For MSNBC viewers, I’m sure it went over well. To the rest of us, it was criminal, especially considering that the video clip was so altered it resembled nothing of the original meaning and content of the governor’s speech.

If you look closely at that video, you’ll notice that the sound ends after Perry says, “That big black cloud that hangs over America,” but he’s still speaking.

Want to know what he said that Schultz and MSNBC intentionally cut out?

“That big black cloud that hangs over America, that debt that is so monstrous.”

Perry wasn’t suggesting, implying, or “inferring” that the “big black cloud that hangs over America” is President Obama.

He clearly – both before the phrase “big black cloud” and after – said he was speaking about America’s debt.

Yet Schultz and his staff edited Perry in mid-sentence to make it appear the Texas governor was making a racist remark about Obama.

In any other industry in this nation, such intentionally dishonest and misleading behavior would be met with the harshest of consequences. (News Busters)


Hardball host Chris Matthews on Tuesday smeared Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry as “Bull Connor with a smile,” referring to the segregationist Commissioner of Public Safety who famously used attack dogs and fire hoses on civil rights protesters in the ’60s.

Left-wing journalist Wayne Slater, who has previously lumped Tea Party protesters with the Holocaust museum shooter, attacked Perry as someone who talks about “states rights, states right, states rights” and “could make some voters, again, very nervous.” In response, Matthews excoriated, “Yeah. This could be Bull Connor with a smile. ” (News Busters)


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