Former Senator: Obama Told Me Resistance to Obamacare Would Fade After 2010

Former Senator: Obama Told Me Resistance to Obamacare Would Fade After 2010

President Barack Obama believed that opposition to Obamacare would actually fade after the 2010 election.

Former Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME), the moderate Republican who retired when her term ended at the beginning of this year, said on Monday Obama felt Obamacare would “lessen” after the midterm elections. 

In a radio interview, Snowe told Julie Mason, the host of Sirius XM’s “Press Pool,” that she told Obama the resistance to Obamacare before the 2010 elections was “just the beginning.” 

“I said, ‘It’s going to grow because I can tell you it’s not going to go away and it’s going to get worse,'” she said, according to The Hill. Obama disagreed. 

Obama heavily courted Snowe’s vote, and she voted for a version of the bill in the Senate Finance Committee. Snowe ultimately voted against the final version of the bill once it reached the floor.

She told Obama that the country would dislike Obamacare even more “because of the implementation problems, which would just exacerbate and aggravate the opposition and those who were opposed to it to begin with.”


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