Planned Parenthood Supporters Confront Carly Fiorina, Throw Condoms

Carly Fiorina
Sean Rayford / Getty Images

Planned Parenthood advocates targeted GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina and her supporters during an Iowa Hawkeye tailgate, throwing condoms at Fiorina’s supporters, according to ABC News.

ABC News reports: “The protesters, some of whom were affiliated with the women’s health group and others who were supporters, were dressed in pink and waved pink pom-poms as they followed the Republican presidential candidate around the tailgate, chanting ‘Carly Fiorina offsides for telling lies’ and ‘women are watching and we vote.'”

Planned Parenthood supporters and the mainstream media have challenged Fiorina’s statements at the second GOP presidential primary debate about an undercover video created by the Center for Medical Progress that showed a fully-formed fetus, heart beating and legs kicking, being kept alive in order for Planned Parenthood officials to harvest the brain.

Planned Parenthood patient Cindy Shireman charged through Fiorina’s entourage, telling the GOP presidential candidate that she doesn’t support women’s health.

“Oh, I support women’s health,” Fiorina fired back, grabbing Shireman’s hand. “You need to ask yourself some questions [like] why is it that fetuses are butchered alive to harvest their brains. Why?”


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