Moms Demand Founder: Fighting To Take Away Gun Rights Is Dangerous Work

moms demand
Mark Wilson/Getty

On May 5 Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts wrote an op-ed in which she suggested that fighting to take away gun rights is dangerous work.

Writing in The Washington Post, Watts claimed the alleged danger was evident just hours after she began fighting to take away gun rights following the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. She said:

I received my first threats of sexual violence and death. Over the next several months, my phone throbbed with angry texts and phone calls — often in the middle of the night. My fledgling Twitter feed — which I didn’t really know how to use yet — was on fire. I started getting letters mailed to my home — complete with cut-outs from magazines to spell out threats to my life.

Watts added: “My email was hacked; my Facebook photos were downloaded and distributed publicly; my phone number and home address were shared online; my children’s social media accounts were hacked and the names of their schools shared online.”

Watts did not provide any substantiation for these claims–no footnotes, no web links, no screen shots–but she did provide a link to an NRA article. She suggested the NRA made a misogynistic attack against her by pointing out that she was a “communications executive for…public relations agencies and Fortune 500 companies” for 15 years prior to undertaking gun control. Mother Jones published an excerpt from the article, which suggests there are several holes in biographical sketches which claim Watts was just an every day mom who decided to dedicate her life to taking away gun rights after Sandy Hook.

Watts’ group–Moms Demand Action–is a Michael Bloomberg-funded gun control group that often works in tandem with Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at




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