Departing Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards posted a tweet in support of adopting pets from a rescue shelter over purchasing one from a pet store where more animals are euthanized:
Using the hashtag #AdoptDontShop, Richards simultaneously promoted her new book, a memoir titled Make Trouble, as she prepares to end her tenure leading the nation’s largest abortion chain.
“Heading out on book tour for TWO WEEKS!,” she tweeted. “Going to miss this guy though Garfield, not so much,” she said about her Dachshund and his toy.
Richards, however, does not put in similar effort to publicly advocate for adoptions of humans. Since Planned Parenthood profits from abortions, promoting adoptions of human babies could put a wrinkle in the group’s finances.
The 2016-2017 Planned Parenthood annual report revealed the organization performed 321,384 abortions of unborn children in the last year, but only 3,889 adoption referrals.
During that time period, Richards, who earned a salary of at least $500,000 in the past year, helped boost Planned Parenthood’s profits by $21 million – or 27 percent – from the prior year, as the group also took in nearly $544 million in taxpayer funding.
Similarly, the group’s “healthcare” services to women who do not intend to terminate their unborn babies has declined. The number of prenatal and maternity care services has dropped 17 percent from 9,419 during 2015-2016 to 7,762 in the last year. In 2014-2015, Planned Parenthood claimed 17,419 prenatal services performed.
Ever presenting her organization as on the cutting edge of health care, in March Richards touted that Planned Parenthood staff would be happy to perform sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing “at your favorite local gay bar … on Saturday night at 1 A.M.” if desired:
Now that she is promoting her new book, Richards is even giving advice on parenting, an ironic twist since much of her career has been spent preventing parenthood from happening:
National pro-life leaders say she is stepping down as her organization is now viewed merely as a left-wing political movement that places “abortion above all else” and has little to offer where real health care is concerned.
Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, observed that during Richards’ tenure, Planned Parenthood “has been exposed for refusing to report statutory rape and abuse, for aiding sex traffickers, for taking money to abort black babies, and for illegally profiting off of the body parts they have aborted.”
In December, the U.S. Department of Justice announced it had launched an investigation into Planned Parenthood over allegations the group harvested the body parts of aborted babies and sold them for a profit.
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