Youth Celebrate Trump 2020 Launch: ‘Believe’ in America

ollege and high school students joined in a shared belief in America and American values a
Breitbart News/Screenshot

College and high school students joined in a shared belief in America and American values at a Donald Trump for President 2020 rally watch party in Washington, DC, Tuesday night.

Boris Kizenko of High Schoolers for Freedom was all smiles as he told Breitbart News, “It’s great to finally meet a community of people who believe in our American values and really believe in this country.”

He and others came together at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC, to watch live video of President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign launch rally, which took place in Orlando, Florida.

“I think in 2020, people are going to be asking, ‘How’s it going to be different from 2016?’” he said. “We’re going to be fighting the left while helping the conservative movement, and I’m very excited to do that.”

He said that in 2018, the National Honor Society rejected him because of his support for President Trump.

When Trump called for a poll of the Florida rally crowd on the new campaign slogan, “Keep America Great,” Kizenko was one of several supporters who jumped on a stage. Some of those supporters flashed signs with the new slogan, holding it high to exuberant cheers in the room:

Trump 2020 supporters rallied behind President Donald Trump’s new 2020 campaign slogan “Keep America Great” at a watch party in Washington, DC. Supporters watched Trump as he rallied supporters in Florida to launch his 2020 campaign. (Credit: Michelle Moons/Breitbart)

Alexa Black of Baylor University charged other college students to “go out there and vote!”

“The election is coming up. Get ready!” Black shouted with a smile beaming across her face.

Michelle Moons is a White House Correspondent for Breitbart News — follow on Twitter @MichelleDiana and Facebook.


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