Royal Woketards Harry and Meghan are more unpopular than ever, according to the latest polling.
Currently, only 32 percent of those polled judge Harry favorably, while a mere 23 percent see Meghan in a positive light.
Harry’s unfavorable rating is 58 percent. Meghan’s unfavorable rating is a whopping 63 percent.
Per the Daily Mail, the British poll, “carried out by YouGov on 1,692 adults earlier this month, asked whether they held a positive or negative opinion of the Duke and Duchess.”
What his means is that Harry’s unfavorable rating is 26 points under water and Meghan’s is 42 points underwater. Harry’s previous low was -25. Meghan’s previous low was -39.
For the sake of context, Queen Elizabeth is +69, Prince William (Harry’s brother) is +59, Prince Williams’s wife Kate is +55, Prince Charles is +19, and Charles’s wife Camilla is +9. Only three royals are underwater: the disloyal, narcissistic woketards Harry and Meghan, and the disgraced Prince Andrew, who’s -80.
Even among young people, Harry and Meghan only just barely poll above water.

Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle speak during the 2021 Global Citizen Live festival at the Great Lawn, Central Park on September 25, 2021 in New York City. (ANGELA WEISS/AFP via Getty)
“Some 42 per cent of those aged 18 to 24 see Harry positively, and 33 per cent see him negatively – a net score of +9,” which is only a little better than Meghan, who has “a net score of +2, as 38 per cent [of those aged 18 to 24] view her positively and 36 per cent negatively.”
The poll comes on the heels of Harry and Meghan returning to England for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Weekend.
The problem for Harry and Meghan is simple: they are both awful. Smug superiority just oozes from their every appearance and statement. Even as they betray and shirk their family, (his) country, and duty, they still pose and preen as our Betters, which is absurd when everyone knows both care nothing about the world and only about their wealth, status, and celebrity.
Meghan comes off worse because she’s seen as the woman who ruined Harry, who seemed like a pretty decent, down-to-earth guy until she sunk her mercenary hooks in him. That’s not terribly fair to her. Harry is his own man making his own choices. But until Meghan came along, Harry’s approval rating — going back to 2012 — was above water in the +60 range.
No one can blame a young couple for wanting to get out from under the stuffiness that comes with living as royals. They have a right to live their own lives. It was how they did it that was so unappealing and off-putting. Posing their escape as virtuous and themselves as victims, especially those racism allegations no one believed, soured pretty much everyone on them.
The Woke hangover is coming and I can’t wait to drop a metal pot over every insufferable woketard’s head and clang away at it with a ball-peen hammer.
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