Post-Debate Poll: Donald Trump More Fit to Be President than Joe Biden Regardless of Preference

Donald Trump And Joe Biden Participate In First Presidential Debate
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

More believe former President Donald Trump is more fit to serve than President Joe Biden, regardless of personal preference on the matter, a post-debate survey from YouGov revealed.

The survey asked 3,115 U.S. adults after Thursday night’s debate, “Regardless of which candidate you prefer, who do you think is most fit to be president for the next four years?”

A plurality, 44 percent, said Trump is most fit to be president for the next four years, while 35 percent said the same of Biden. Another 21 percent remained unsure.

A plurality of both men and women, 45 percent and 42 percent, respectively, said Trump is more fit to serve as president for the next four years.

Further, 86 percent of Republicans said Trump is more fit, while a plurality, 41 percent, of independents agreed. However, 76 percent of Democrats still said they believe Biden is more fit to be president.

The sentiment — more believing that Trump is more fit to be president — is held across all age groups as well, as a plurality of those aged 18-29, 30-44, 45-64, and 65+ said Trump is more fit to serve as president over the next four years than Biden.

Broken down by race, a plurality of white Americans, 47 percent, believe Trump is more fit to be president, as do a plurality, 44 percent, of Hispanic Americans. Black Americans stuck with Biden by an eight-point margin — 39 to 31 percent. However, 30 percent remained unsure.

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Video Source: Courtesy of CNN Presidential Debate

The survey also asked respondents, “Regardless of which presidential candidate you prefer, who do you think won the debate?”

Respondents chose Trump by a 21-point margin, 43 percent to Biden’s 22 percent.

Less than half of Democrats, 47 percent, believe Biden won the debate, while 37 percent said they were unsure, and 16 percent said Trump. Most Republicans, 77 percent, said Trump won the debate, while 47 percent of independents said they were not sure. Another 40 percent of independents said Trump won, but only 13 percent said Biden did.

The survey was taken June 28 among 3,115 U.S. adults and comes amidst widespread Democrat panic following Biden’s debate performance.

RELATED — “Panic!” CNN Panel in Full Meltdown over Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance

Video Source: CNN

However, a Biden campaign official has made it clear that the 81-year-old is “not dropping out.”


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