Scott Walker: Silent Majority for Trump in Wisconsin Is Real

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
Joe Raedle/Getty

Former Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) said a silent majority of voters in Wisconsin support President Donald Trump, and polls in the Badger State did not reflect the outcomes of gubernatorial elections he won in 2010 and 2014. He offered his remarks on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with special guest host Jerome Hudson.

Hudson asked, “Is there a secret Trump vote brewing in the country, or particularly in Wisconsin?”

Walker replied, “Yes, and there’s no doubt about it. We’ve historically seen — I’ve seen it my four statewide elections — that the polls were notoriously off in terms of people like me, and just Republicans in general. I think that case is even more intense for this president, just because of all the abuse and all the attacks and all the grief that people get for even hinting it.”


Walker recalled, “Literally less than a week before the election, [the Marquette Law School poll] had [Hillary Clinton] up by six points. The president carried [Wisconsin], albeit by a slim margin.” He speculated that polls are unreliable given the unwillingness of many of the president’s supporters to share their political positions with pollsters.

The latest Marquette poll has former Vice President Joe Biden up by eight points against Trump.

President Donald Trump won Wisconsin in the 2016 general election by a margin of 22,748 votes.

Hudson asked how the president can win Wisconsin again in November.

Walker said “swing voters” are “the key” to winning Wisconsin, advising the president to prioritize law and order alongside economics and public health in the context of the coronavirus outbreak.

Walker recommended that Trump link former Vice President Joe Biden and the Democrat Party to recent looting, riots, and unrest. Voters want an end to “this mob mentality we’ve seen in places like Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, and New York City,” Walker determined, “all of which are pretty good reminders and what happens when you put liberals in charge of everything.”

Breitbart News Tonight broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot channel 125 weeknights from 9:00 p.m. to midnight Eastern or 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Pacific.

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