100 Days

Trump Highlights 100 Days Accomplishments at Pennsylvania Rally

HARRISBURG, PA — President Donald Trump left the Washington, D.C. beltway, coming full circle to Pennsylvania Saturday with a list of accomplishments in his first 100 days in office, comparing those to the promises he mapped out in his Gettysburg campaign speech, “Contract for the American Voter.”


Donald Trump vs. Barack Obama at 100-Day Mark

How does President Donald Trump’s presidency stack up against his predecessor 100 days in? Obviously, that’s a highly subjective question, since an observer who disagrees strongly with Trump’s policy agenda will find little reason to applaud his “successes,” and likewise with critics of Obama. We can compare a few metrics between the two presidencies, however.

President Barack Obama shakes hands with President-elect Donald Trump in the Oval Office o

Green Party: the First Hundred Days

The story so far: devastated by universally appalling reviews of its dreadful farrago of lefty nonsense UKIP: The First Hundred Days, Channel 4 has reluctantly agreed to make another, counterbalancing political mockumentary, a much more realistic one this time, called
