executive amnesty - Page 3

Report: 87 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants To Remain In U.S.

The MPI immigration report, issued Thursday, highlights the impact of the new policy guidance on immigration enforcement on the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. — namely the Obama administration’s move to replace the Secure Communities program with the Priority Enforcement Program (PEP).

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Obama Administration Proposing More Unilateral Immigration Actions

In a proposed rule from the Department of Homeland Security, the administration seeks to expand on a 2013 rule— which allowed illegal immigrants with a U.S. citizen spouse or parent to apply for a waiver in the U.S. from the requirement that they return to their home countries for three to 10 years to apply for legal status, if they could prove “extreme hardship.”

REUTERS/Jason Redmond

Pro-Obama Executive Amnesty Activists Rally at Fifth Circuit as Court Hears Arguments

Proponents of Obama’s executive amnesty traveled to New Orleans and were in full-force on courthouse steps this morning. Oral arguments were held at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on whether the Court will reverse the district court’s injunction on executive amnesty. Pro-DACA and DAPA activists have been aggressive in protesting what they see as a right to these benefits.

5th Circuit Protest - Twitter - @Re4mImmigration

Texas AG: Obama Amnesty Would Prompt Massive Changes to Immigration Law Without Congressional Approval

“President Obama’s executive amnesty program would prompt some of the most massive changes to national immigration law in history, all without any input from Congress or the American people. Federal lawyers today even acknowledged several times that this action constitutes a ‘significant policy enactment,’” Paxton, whose state of Texas is leading the coalition, said in a statement Friday.

AP Photo/Connor Radnovich

Amnesty Groups Rally As Appeals Court Hears Executive Amnesty Arguments

The Obama administration’s lawyers are expected to face an uphill battle in arguing to allow the programs to move forward. The same panel of justices who heard an earlier emergency appeal to lift the lower court’s injunction are hearing Friday’s arguments on the totality of the lower court’s ruling.

The Associated Press

Dubious Judges To Consider Executive Amnesty

The panel of Fifth Circuit judges slated to consider President Obama’s executive amnesty programs include Republican appointed Judges Jennifer Walker Elrod and Jerry Smith, who ruled against the emergency stay last month. The third judge on the panel is Democratic appointee Judge Carolyn Dineen King.

Illegal women with signs Yes We Can with DACA DAPA Pat Sullivan  Associated Press

Grassley: Statutory Rapist Granted DACA, Retained While In Prison

Thursday Grassley revealed that whistleblowers say Abarca Torres Alvaro — arrested in February 2013 and convicted of statutory rape that October — received DACA in April 2013. “He retained DACA even after he was convicted of the crime and served prison time,” Grassley wrote in a letter to DHS Sec. Jeh Johnson dated Wednesday.

AP Photo

Obama’s 6-Year Assault on the Courts

As a candidate for President of the United States, Barack Obama promised to restore balance to the Constitution, after what many argued was a period of executive overreach, infringing on civil liberties and the balance of powers. When he launched his campaign, he even referred to his past career as a “civil rights lawyer,” and a constitutional law teacher. Once in office, however, Obama expanded executive powers even further, and led a 6-year assault on judicial independence.


Obama Admits He Put Executive Amnesty On Hold

“I made a decision, which I think is the right one, that we should not accept applications till the legal status of this is clarified,” Obama said, admitting that although he was “frustrated” with the judge blocking his legislation, he didn’t want to put illegal immigrants at a disadvantage.

The Associated Press

Report: Obama Admin. Puts Hold On Exec. Amnesty Prep

While the administration is pressing to have a court’s injunction against executive amnesty lifted, it has also put hiring plans for the programs on hold, including stopping efforts to hire up to 3,100 new employees who would have worked in a $7.8 million-a-year building in Arlington, Virginia’s Crystal City. The building is largely unused now, DHS employees report.

Demonstrators, led by the New Orleans Worker Center for Racial Justice and the Congress of

Jeb Bush Stands Firm on Common Core

On a presumed private conference call with the Alabama Republican Party, where he was showcased as the “featured guest,” former Florida Governor Jeb Bush once again expressed his support for Common Core education standards and a “pathway to earned legal status” for millions of illegal aliens.

The Associated Press

Goodlatte: Fifth Circuit’s Ruling Affirming Exec. Amnesty Injunction ‘Victory For The Constitution’

Goodlatte was one of many Republican lawmakers who praised the Tuesday ruling.

“By acting unilaterally to rewrite our nation’s immigration laws, President Obama has disregarded the will of the American people and violated the Constitution. Such lawlessness must be stopped so that we preserve the separation of powers in the Constitution and protect individual liberty,” Goodlatte says.

The Associated Press