Trump DOJ Promises End to ‘Weaponization’ of FACE Act, Drops Three Cases
The Biden administration used the FACE Act to aggressively prosecute, and sometimes imprison, pro-life activists.

The Biden administration used the FACE Act to aggressively prosecute, and sometimes imprison, pro-life activists.
President Donald Trump addressed pro-life advocates in a video speech at the 52nd annual March for Life on Friday, praising them for their “extraordinary love and compassion for the unborn” while promising to “end the weaponization of law enforcement against Americans of faith.”
President Donald Trump pardoned more than 20 pro-life activists on Thursday who were prosecuted, and some imprisoned, by Biden’s DOJ.
The FACE Act was written to equally protect abortion clinics, pro-life pregnancy resource centers, and churches, however, 97 percent of cases since the law’s inception have been against pro-life advocates.
A Texas man pleaded guilty on Wednesday to vandalizing pregnancy centers in May of 2022 in response to the leaked Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.
Biden’s DOJ has been accused of using the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act to go after pro-life activists.
The law has been a flashpoint in the abortion debate during the Biden administration, with the DOJ using the law to almost explicitly go after pro-life advocates.
A woman has been convicted for her role in vandalizing several Florida pro-life pregnancy centers after the Supreme Court overturned Roe.
The Biden administration’s DOJ has come under scrutiny for using the FACE Act to target pro-life activists, accounting for nearly a quarter of all cases since the law’s inception in 1994.
A federal judge has paused an attempt by the Biden administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) to imprison Christian pro-life activists for up to ten years.
Roy and Sen. Mike Lee introduced a bill in September of 2023 to repeal the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.
A Catholic pregnancy center in Chicago was vandalized last week just after the Democratic National Convention ended, Catholic News Agency reported.
Department of Justice (DOJ) data reveals how the Biden administration has used the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act to specifically target pro-life activists, despite the statute’s original intent of protecting abortion clinics as well as pro-life pregnancy centers and houses of worship.
Three more pro-life activists were sentenced on Tuesday for participating in a 2021 abortion clinic protest in Mount Juliet, Tennessee.
Three more pro-life activists were sentenced on Wednesday for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act during a 2021 abortion clinic protest in Tennessee.
A Christian father of 11 was sentenced to three years of supervised release for a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion clinic in 2021.
Donald Trump said he would work to free pro-life activists imprisoned by the pro-abortion Biden administration, should he be elected.
A final pro-life activist was sentenced on Friday to years in prison for protesting at an abortion clinic infamous for late-term abortions in Washington, DC.
An eighth pro-life activist was sentenced on Wednesday under the Freedom of Access the Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and “conspiracy against rights” for an abortion clinic protest in Washington, DC, in October 2020.
House Republicans are raising concerns about alleged mistreatment of and the denial of necessary medical care for two jailed pro-life activists.
Seven pro-life activists were sentenced to years in federal prison on Tuesday and Wednesday for protesting at the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, DC, in 2020, an abortion clinic infamous for late-term abortions.
Handy was sentenced to four years and nine months behind bars, as well as three years of supervised release, on Tuesday.
Six other activists, including a Christian father of 11 and a 73-year-old man, are facing up to 11 years behind bars.
A South Carolina man was found guilty on Monday of violating the FACE Act after blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic in 2022.
Pro-life activists who prayed and sang hymns during a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion clinic in 2021 could spend 11 years behind bars thanks to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) use of a federal law created to target Ku Klux Klan members after the Civil War.
The D.C. Medical Examiner halted its plans to destroy the bodies of five late-term aborted babies, according to the ACLJ.
The DC Medical Examiner is expected to destroy the remains of five late-term aborted babies whom activists believe may have been partially aborted or killed after birth in violation of federal law, an attorney representing pro-life activist Lauren Handy told Breitbart News.
Rep. Elise Stefanik released a statement exclusively to Breitbart News after a Tennessee court found six pro-life activists guilty of violating federal law for protesting peacefully at a Nashville abortion clinic in 2021.
Republican lawmakers have renewed their call to repeal the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act after six pro-life activists were found guilty this week for “conspiracy against rights” and violating the FACE Act in relation to a peaceful protest outside of a Tennessee abortion facility in 2021.
Six pro-life activists were found guilty of “conspiracy against rights” for peacefully protesting outside of an abortion clinic in 2021.
President Joe Biden’s pro-abortion administration announced in October 2022 that it had charged 11 activists involved in the March 5, 2021 “blockade” of the Carafem Health Center Clinic in Mount Juliet.
Durant vandalized the pregnancy center on April 15, spray painting the words “LIARS,” “Fund Abortion,” “Abort God,” and “Jane’s Revenge.”
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied an emergency motion on Friday to release pro-life activist Lauren Handy from jail.
As eight pro-life activists sit in a Washington, DC, jail, Republicans have proposed repealing the Freedom of Access to Clinics (FACE) Act, which “prohibits threats of force, obstruction and property damage intended to interfere with reproductive health care services.”
Former President Donald Trump has pledged to create a task force if reelected to review and potentially pardon or commute the sentences of every “political prisoner who’s been unjustly persecuted by the Biden administration.”
Three more pro-life activists were found guilty on Friday and immediately incarcerated for their role in an abortion clinic blockade that took place in Washington, DC, in October of 2020.
Attorneys for pro-life activist Lauren Handy are appealing her case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit after a district court judge denied their emergency motion to release Handy from jail.
A Washington, DC, jury found five pro-life activists guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act on Tuesday for seeking to prevent abortions by blocking the entrance of an abortion clinic in 2020.
The vandalism of the Ohio pregnancy care center included messages saying, “fund abortion,” “liars,” “fake clinic,” and, “abort God.”
GOP lawmakers held a hearing to discuss the Joe Biden administration’s alleged selective enforcement of the FACE Act against pro-life activists.