GOP Debate - Page 5

Marco Rubio Once Said an ‘Earned Path to Citizenship Is Code for Amnesty’

With the Iowa caucuses less than two months away, presidential candidate Donald Trump continues to dominate the field of candidates in the Republican primary race, but because Ben Carson has plummeted to third or fourth place in most of the national polls, Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Marco Rubio have surged and could pose to challenge Trump’s top-dog status.

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Breitbart News Daily: Debate Prep with Pat Caddell

On the December 15, Breitbart News Daily show, on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 6AM to 9AM EST, host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon will interview a number of guests and talk about the most important current events including the global war with radical Islam, the 2016 presidential race, and much more.


Mike Huckabee: Washington, D.C. The Real ‘Sin City’ and ‘Vegas of the East’

“Sin City, it’s where liars cheat, crooks and thieves make a living. Futures are destroyed. Families are ruined. Risky and selfish bets. I’m not talking about las vegas, but our nation’s capitol, Washington D.C.,” Huckabee says in the video. “Politicians have done enough lying and stealing. It’s time to burn down the corrupt Washington political machine, the Vegas of the East, [and] put Americans first.”


Report: GOP Debate Expectations, High Ratings, and More Donald Trump

LAS VEGAS, Nevada — The Media Research Center (MRC) analyzed data from the first four GOP presidential primary debates to predict what the audience should expect for Tuesday’s fifth GOP primary debate, predicting the moderators will try to get candidates to fight with each other and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump will have the most talking time.


Ben Carson, China and Syria: The DC Media Lied To You — Again

During Tuesday’s absolutely superb Republican presidential debate, front-runner Ben Carson was asked about the unraveling situation in Syria and said the following, “We also must recognize that it’s a very complex place. You know, the Chinese are there, as well

The Associated Press

GOP Debate: Winners, Losers, Report Card

The clear winner of Tuesday night’s GOP debate was the Fox Business Network, which conducted two lively sessions that were freewheeling, substantive–and, for the most part, fair. The entire GOP field benefited from the chance to showcase their policies. But

Carson GOP Debate Fox Business (Scott Olson / Getty)

Foreign Policy Clashes at GOP Debate on Economy

Tuesday evening’s GOP debate was billed as a discussion of the economy. And in the first hour, the Fox Business Network moderators kept the focus on wages, jobs, and taxes. But the most fascinating exchange came in the second hour, when questions about foreign policy produced freewheeling exchanges on foreign policy that covered nearly every perspective in the GOP, and which the moderators–to their credit–allowed to unfold relatively freely.

GOP Debate Fox Business Foreign Policy (Scott Olson / Getty)

Ben Carson Responds to Obama Taunt on CNBC Debate: Obama “Afraid to Go on Fox”

GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson responded to President Barack Obama’s mocking of GOP candidates for rejecting NBC’s primary debate forum. “That wouldn’t happen to be the same President Obama who was afraid to go on Fox would it?” Carson said with a laugh on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily. “Must be a different guy. That’s just ridiculous,” said Carson, who recently topped an NBC News / WSJ poll as the GOP frontrunne

Ben Carson Reuters and Barack Obama AP

Some Liberals Suddenly Love Ted Cruz

It seems fair to say that Senator Ted Cruz has been one of the Left’s least favorite Republicans until now. He’s fiery, he excels at picking apart their ideology, he’s studied and mastered their methods to a worrisome degree, and he actually tries to do stuff in the Senate.

Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks to the crowd at the Heritage A

Christie on CNBC Debate: Moderators ‘Awful,’ ‘Bias’

Thursday on Fox New Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Republican presidential candidate Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) said the CNBC moderators of the Republican primary debate last night were “bias” and “awful.” Christie said “Well, listen, the moderators last night were awful. And

CNBC Debate Losers: Kasich, Bush, Paul, Carson

As for the contenders on the debate stage, it’s not hard to pick the biggest loser of the night, for this could well be the end of Jeb Bush’s candidacy. In fact, he needs to think long and hard about getting out while his endorsement still matters, and he can still generate big headlines with his withdrawal.

Debate moderators Carl Quintanilla (L), Becky Quick (C) and John Harwood question candidat

Lousy Moderators Help Second-Tier GOP Candidates Break Out At CNBC Debate

Just about every pre-debate warm-up analysis predicted it would be a make-or-break debate for the second-tier Republican candidates… and it was. All four were aided enormously by the horrible amateur-hour of CNBC’s moderators, who should be looking for new jobs after their ridiculous performance, spewing Democrat National Committee talking points disguised as questions and talking over the candidates.

Presidential candidates Donald Trump (2nd L) speaks while Sen. Marco Rubio (L-R) (R-FL), B