Haiti - Page 6

Former President of Haitian Senate Rips Clinton Foundation: As My People Died, Hillary Clinton Gave Access to Her Wealthy Donors

The former president of the Haitian Senate excoriated Hillary Clinton and her embattled family foundation following the release of emails that reveal how senior Clinton Foundation staffers coordinated with top Hillary Clinton State Department officials to give special access to “FOB” (Friends of Bill Clinton) in the wake of the deadly 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

Andrew Burton/Getty Images

Emails: Hillary’s State Dept Gave Special Access to ‘VIPs’ and ‘Friends of Bill’ Clinton After Haiti Earthquake

Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by the Republican National Committee reveal how senior Clinton Foundation staffers coordinated with top Hillary Clinton State Department officials to give special treatment to people identified as “FOB” (friends of Bill Clinton) or “WJC VIPs” (William Jefferson Clinton VIPs) in the wake of the deadly 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

MIAMI, FL - OCTOBER 11: Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary

Twitter Users React to Hillary Clinton’s Latest Attacks on Donald Trump: ‘You Robbed Haiti of Its Gold, You Don’t Give a F*ck About Black People’

Twitter users blasted Hillary Clinton Thursday — calling her a “liar” who “stole billions in donations meant to rebuild Haiti,” because she doesn’t “give a f*ck about Black people” — after her social media minions posted a tweet attacking Republican White House hopeful Donald Trump, calling him “temperamentally unfit to be president and Commander-in-Chief.”


Miami Reemerging as Trafficking Hub for Colombian Cocaine

Recent drug seizures and indictments indicate that Miami is back on the map as a trafficking hub for cocaine passing through Caribbean waters. After the fall of the Cali and Medellín drug cartels in Colombia, both the Florida Straits and the streets of south Florida quieted down dramatically.


Black Activists Double Down on Hate with #F***Paris Hashtag

Resentful black activists and their comrades started a backlash against the huge public sympathy for the Parisian victims of the Islamist terror war. On Sunday, they used Twitter’s hashtag #FuckParis to reveal their emotional reaction to their loss of attention. Breitbart News’ Milo

The Associated Press

Donald Trump Funded Rand Paul’s Guatemala Eye Surgery Trip to the Tune of $10,000

While Trump hasn’t given directly to Paul’s political action committees, he has supported Paul’s charity work as an ophthalmologist. Last summer, Paul took a trip to Salama, Guatemala. This reporter was there, with representatives from NBC’s Meet The Press, the Washington Post, and National Review, as Dr. Paul performed charity cataract surgeries. Paul’s trip was with the University of Utah’s Moran Eye Center, and a substantial portion of the trip was paid for by none other than Trump himself.


Disorder as Haitians Vote in Long-Delayed Elections

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Delays, disorder and occasional fistfights and rock throwing troubled the vote on Sunday as Haitians elected legislators to Parliament after a yearslong wait. The legislative elections had been postponed for nearly four years due to a

The Associated Press