inspectors general

Flashback: Obama Fired Inspector General Who Pursued Ally Kevin Johnson

Obama came under muted criticism — most of it from Republicans — in 2009 when he fired AmeriCorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin, who had pursued an investigation of Kevin Johnson, the former NBA star and mayor of Sacramento, California. The administration even questioned Walpin’s mental capacities in defending the decision.

Kevin Johnson and Barack Obama (Kristoffer Tripplaar - Pool/Getty)

Obama Had No State Department Inspector General for More than Four Years

President Donald Trump is being criticized by his opponents after firing State Department Inspector General Steve Linick on Friday night. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) called it a “threat to accountable democracy.” However, President Barack Obama did not nominate an inspector general for the State Department during his entire first term.

Former President Barack Obama is heading Down Under and will visit Australia next month as

Top-Secret Emails Found on Hillary Clinton’s Insecure Private Server

Private sector America is bound by thick web of laws that can destroy any of us at a moment’s notice, even for the most innocent violation of a minor regulation by well-meaning citizens, but Democrat royalty like Hillary Clinton can flaunt even the most common-sense requirements of their powerful positions with impunity, getting away with everything from pushing a fraudulent health-care scheme, to poisoning rivers, to jeopardizing national security because they wish to evade congressional oversight.


Mainstream Media Desperately Tries to Spin FBI Investigation of Hillary Email Server

It’s hilarious to watch the mainstream media tiptoe around the story of the FBI investigating Hillary Clinton’s illicit email server. After the Clinton machine went nuts on the New York Times over its choice of words in the story of inspectors general making referrals to the Justice Department, many in the MSM are terrified of using a phrase like “FBI investigation” that might rattle the Clintonworld beehive.

Iran Deal

Clinton’s Illicit Mail Server Repeatedly Handled Classified Benghazi Intel

Yesterday’s lawyer-lingo evasions don’t matter any more, because it was all B.S. anyway. When inspectors general discovered hard proof of then-classified material flowing through, they referred the matter to the Justice Department… and warned that future public releases of Clinton’s email could be peppered with enough secret information to threaten national security.

AP Photo/Na Son-Nguyen