Kerry Washington - Page 2

All the Celebrities Behind Michelle Obama’s When We All Vote Initiative

Michelle Obama has described her When We All Vote initiative as a non-partisan effort to boost voter registration among all Americans. But the project, which is also aggressively pushing voting by mail, is backed by a slew of left-wing Hollywood and sports celebrities whose past public statements have been anything but non-partisan.

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5 Creepiest Celebrity Advertisements for Obamacare

A bevy of Hollywood’s biggest celebrities starred in several on-screen campaigns to help build support around the passage of the Affordable Care Act, commonly called Obamacare. Now, more than seven years after it was signed into law, President Obama’s crowning legislative achievement is likely going to collapse under its own bureaucratic weight.


Kerry Washington: Voting Trump is ‘Against Our Best Interests as Americans’

Scandal star Kerry Washington lit into Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, during an appearance Friday on HBO’s Real Time, telling host Bill Maher that Democrat Hillary Clinton has the better policies, but that her message has been drowned out while the media chooses to focus its coverage on Trump.


Surprise, Surprise: Shonda Rhimes’s ‘Scandal’ Lazily Paints Donald Trump as Sexist, Vulgar Xenophobe

Shonda Rhimes’s hit TV show Scandal often utilizes ripped-from-the-headlines storylines to propel its political drama. An episode earlier in this fifth season explored the undercover Planned Parenthood videos and featured a montage in which the show’s main character, Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington), undergoes an abortion set to the hymn “Silent Night.”

Ron Tom/ABC via Getty Images/Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg