Knife Attack - Page 4

Ohio Attack Mimicked Palestinian Terror Tactics

TEL AVIV – The car-ramming and stabbing attack at Ohio State University on Monday looked eerily familiar to Israelis who have fallen victim to the exact same terror tactics since the recent wave of Palestinian violence began last fall.

Ohio State students duck under police tape after a shelter-in-place notification was lifte

Robert C. O’Brien: ‘Peak Political Correctness Prevents Us from Identifying Who Our Enemies Are’

Former U.S. representative to the United Nations General Assembly Robert C. O’Brien, co-chairman of the U.S. State Department’s Public-Private Partnership for Justice Reform in Afghanistan and author of the new book While America Slept: Restoring American Leadership to a World in Crisis, joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Monday’s Breitbart News Daily to talk about the weekend terror attacks.

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French PM Backs Security Forces After New Terror Attack

AFP – Prime Minister Manuel Valls defended France’s security forces Wednesday after the first deadly jihadist terror attack on French soil since the Paris massacres last November. Valls rebutted criticism that the authorities could have thwarted the bloody assault. “I


Hamas Wants ‘Shared Vision’ For Palestinian Knife Intifada

The terrorist organization Hamas, which plays a sizable role in the “unity government” of the Palestinians, has been striving to frame the wave of knife attacks against Israeli citizens as an “intifada,” or uprising, and position itself as leader of the insurgency.

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