Security Breach: Wyze Camera Mishap Allows 13,000 Users to See Strangers’ Property
Wyze, a security camera company boasting 10 million users, is in hot water after a breach allowed 13,000 customers to see into other people’s homes.

Wyze, a security camera company boasting 10 million users, is in hot water after a breach allowed 13,000 customers to see into other people’s homes.
The Indian parliament suspended 79 lawmakers from opposition parties on Monday for disrupting a session, followed by another 48 on Tuesday. 14 others were suspended last week, bringing the total to 141 since December 14 – a remarkably high number of suspensions for even the rowdy Indian legislature.
The Health Ministry of Indonesia said on Tuesday it was investigating an alleged security breach of its Chinese coronavirus contact tracing app that potentially exposed the personal identification information of more than 1.3 million users.
The State Department has reportedly experienced a cyber attack and notifications regarding a possible serious breach were issued by the Department of Defense Cyber Command, a source recently told Fox News.
Anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok was told of the possibility that Hillary Clinton’s secret server might have been hacked and did nothing, according to Fox News.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has awarded Equifax a $7.25 million fraud-prevention contract following the company’s massive security breach which affected over 140 million consumers.
Roughly 1,000 employees of a Texas border school district learned their Social Security numbers were compromised in a data security breach caused by a questionable email.
The personal information of thousands may have been compromised by a security breach in San Antonio’s largest school district, only it happened in August and the affected students and staffers are first learning about it now.
“A man who appeared to be under the influence of some substance” led police on a wild chase after he “breached a secure area at San Francisco International Airport Wednesday.”