Vietnam - Page 4

Kirk: Trump Defying Rules of Aging

Something I’ve heard discussed since I was a child in my parent’s family room is how presidents dramatically age while in office.  While it is true that everyone “looks” different after four-to-eight years of life, presidents seem to age more dramatically than the rest of us.

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 23: U.S. President Donald Trump holds a listening session on health

North Korea: ‘Human Defect’ John Bolton Has Mental Deformity

North Korea’s Foreign Affairs Ministry hurled a tirade of personal insults at National Security Adviser John Bolton in remarks published Monday, dismissing his complaints that Pyongyang had violated U.N. Security Council limits on weapons testing by asserting that those limits were “illegal.”

U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton joins President Donald Trump and NATO Secretary

Amnesty International: China Again Leads World in Executions

Amnesty International (AI) on Wednesday published the 2018 edition of its annual report on the death penalty. The report found a 31 percent decrease in executions compared to 2017, “the lowest number of executions that Amnesty International has recorded in the past decade.”

WENZHOU, CHINA: CHINA OUT Chinese police show of a group of hardcore convicts at a sentenc

U.S. Delivers 6 Patrol Boats to Vietnam amid Thawing Relations

The Trump administration delivered six patrol boats worth $12 million to Vietnam’s Coast Guard, the American embassy in Hanoi announced on Monday, saying the move represents the “deepening cooperation” in law enforcement and humanitarian efforts between the former enemies.

A Metal Shark patrol boat delivered by the U.S. sails in the waters off Khanh Hoa Province

Zumwalt: The Secret U.S.-North Korea Engagement in Vietnam

While the summit meeting between North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and President Donald Trump ended with no deal being made on Pyongyang’s de-nuclearization, it was not the first time Americans were engaged by North Koreans in Vietnam – the Americans just did not know it.

A US pilot touches up the number on a McDonnell Douglas F4 Phantom jet aboard the aircraft