Vulgar Texas GOP County Chair: ‘I’m Donald Trump on Steroids’

Photo: YouTube Video Screenshot

“If the Republican Party wasn’t just doing damage control at the national level this week, a number of local elections also threw-up terrifying results. Just look at Texas,” cracked John Oliver on Last Week TonightOliver then pinpoints to the vulgar, newly-elected Travis County, Texas, GOP chair who calls himself “Donald Trump on Steroids.”

The Emmy and Writer’s Guild Award winner highlighted the controversial Travis County (Austin) Republican Party Chairman on his show on Sunday night. Robert Morrow was elected on March 1 in the Texas Republican primary.

As reported by Breitbart Texas, the new GOP chair in Austin is making headlines for making outrageous comments that would probably make even Donald Trump blush. He has accurately tweeted, “Driving them up the f**king wall, Master Troll style. Do not try this at home.”

Oliver is one of a number of national outlets to jump on the bandwagon to give attention to Morrow. The New York Timesthe Washington Post, and the New York Daily News has also given negative attention to the self-proclaimed Republican.

GOP Texans of course, see him as a huge embarassment to the party.

As reported by Breitbart Texas, Matt Mackowiak, the founder and president of a D.C. based political and communications consulting group tweeted at @MattMackowiak on election night, “I am exploring several options to remove Robert Morrow as Travis County GOP chairman.” He called Morrow’s election “a disaster & unacceptable.”

The manic tweeter (29.3K and counting since March 2013) tweets @RobMorroLiberty using vile, extremely pornographically explicit language, and his photos of partially nude and nude women shows that he is apparently preoccupied with monstrous-sized breasts. He also tweets about the size of his penis. His conspiracy theories are shockingly shameless.

In an interview shown during Oliver’s segment, Morrow said, “I am not politically correct, I’m politically incorrect. I’m like Donald Trump on steroids, Sweetheart.” He continued, “So, get ready to have some fun reading my Twitter feed.”

But a GRAPHIC WARNING is required, this is not your average Twitter site.

Portraying Morrow, Oliver said, “For a start, that guy’s overall look can only be described as, ‘Guy kicked out of your gym for trying to smell women.’”

He added, “In his defense, he’s not over-selling his Twitter feed.”

Oliver correctly noted that within 48 hours of being elected, Morrow tweeted “I am the face of the Re-Pube-Licking Party.”

And that after his election he also tweeted, “I like boobies.”

Oliver said his “absolute favorite tweet”of Morrows is, “If you google ‘Robert Morrow 11 inch penis confirmed’ you get over 11,800,000 hits. I’m must sayin’ ….”

The comedian retorted, “Which for the record is not true, because we did it, and we only got 472,000 hits.” He added, “Although interestingly, if you google ‘Robert Morrow 1 inch penis confirmed,’ the results go up by 150,000 [About 620,000 results].”

“But that’s not the point. That’s not the point,” he said. “The point is, this guy is now an-actual-elected-official, Chair of the Travis County Republican Party. This guy.”

The writer and comedian then shows video clips of some of the outrageous, vulgar, and/or sexually-explicit statements and accusations made by Morrow.

In the clips from an interview, Morrow states with conviction, he believes that former President George W. Bush and Governor Rick Perry “are closet homosexuals.”

He also said he believes “Barack Obama is a gay man who got married.”

Another clip, “Bill Clinton is a serial rapist.”

In other clips he says, “Hillary Clinton, rampaging, bi-sexual adulterer.” “Rick Perry, rampaging, bi-sexual adulterer.”

Oliver ends his comedic segment about Morrow joking, “To be fair, the question he was asked was – ‘What sounds does Ann Coulter make as she falls down the stairs?’”

He then went on to do a comedic political hit on another Lone Star State politician, Mary Lou Bruner, a candidate for the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE).

Writing about the winners in the SBOE Texas primary election and the run-off candidates, Breitbart Texas’ Merrill Hope wrote that Bruner has received media attention after posting “over-the-top comments on Facebook.” Bruner, like Morrow, has also accused President Obama of homosexuality and of being a male prostitute. She says he was addicted to drugs.

Lana Shadwick is a writer and legal analyst for Breitbart Texas. She has served as an associate judge and prosecutor. Follow her on Twitter @LanaShadwick2


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