Most Transparent Administration Hasn't Fielded Question from WH Press in Seven Weeks

Most Transparent Administration Hasn't Fielded Question from WH Press in Seven Weeks

Despite giving numerous interviews while overseas, the press complained about limited access to Mitt Romney while he traveled to England, Poland, and Israel. That same media hasn’t so much as whispered after President Obama hasn’t answered a single question from the White House pool for seven weeks

The last substantive question Obama took from a White House reporter was during a June 20 press conference following the G20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico. Obama allowed only six questions during the event, which was nearly guaranteed to keep him out of political hot water as the focus was on foreign policy.

Even if Romney were to shut out some members of the press, it’s understandable considering they exist only to offer buoyancy to Obama. After screaming like Beliebers during a wreath laying ceremony at Poland’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier they demanded consideration; yet no outcry when they are barred from asking questions at a presser featuring both the President Calderón and Prime Minister Harper (at the height of both the Fast and Furious and Keystone controversies). 

The administration has a seemingly abusive relationship with the press. They lambaste the ones who do actual reporting and shrug off even those whose practice isn’t so much as “journalism” but propaganda — and it’s accepted with virtually zero complaints. 

When will the admin field another question from the press pool, and when, if ever, will he answer on Fast and Furious or Keystone? 


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