Media - Page 5

Ann Romney to Co-host ABC's 'Good Morning America'

Ann Romney is getting a plum platform to show off her smarts while ingratiating herself to the masses. Mitt Romney’s wife will co-host “Good Morning America” on Oct. 10 while the show’s veteran anchor Robin Roberts continues to recover from

Ann Romney to Co-host ABC's 'Good Morning America'

Obama Debate Excuses: Blame Lehrer!

The prevailing opinion on the President’s debate performance last night from partisan and non-partisan alike is that he did poorly, to say the least. But as to exactly why the President was so taciturn, lackadaisical, distracted, and downright peevish, the

Obama Debate Excuses: Blame Lehrer!

Denver Post Headline: 'Round 1: Romney'

In the print edition of the Denver Post, the headline splashed across the front page the morning after the debate is: “Round 1: Romney.” The story’s lede paragraph is even more brutal:  Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney rhetorically charged at President

Denver Post Headline: 'Round 1: Romney'

When You've Lost Huffington Post…

The headline on the liberal Huffington Post after Wednesday’s debate between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney said it all: “Romney Wins The Night.” Others on the left were more vicious than the Huffington Post. Those like Ed Schultz, Chris

When You've Lost Huffington Post…

George Zimmerman to Sue NBC for Misleading Tape Edit

George Zimmerman intends to sue NBC for their misleading editing of audio tape of his 911 call the night Florida teen Trayvon Martin was shot and killed. NBC fired a “seasoned” producer and two other employees after an internal investigation.

George Zimmerman to Sue NBC for Misleading Tape Edit

Unprepared in Vegas

The Hangover III The Empty Chair has better odds in Round Two.  Buster Douglas was better prepared for his fight against Evander Holyfield. Buster came to Vegas, took naps at the golf course, spend evenings at the buffets and decided

Unprepared in Vegas

Andrew Sullivan: Obama May Have 'Lost the Election Tonight'

Andrew Sullivan, the Daily Beast’s designated Obama sycophant (or one of many) declared the debate for Romney early. He described the debate as a “wipe-out for Romney.” He explained that it is a “rolling calamity for Obama. He’s boring, abstract,

Andrew Sullivan: Obama May Have 'Lost the Election Tonight'

Kristof: President Looks 'Constipated'

When you’ve lost Nicholas Kristof, columnist for The New York Times and Obama lackey, you’ve lost the debate if you’re President Obama. Kristof tweeted just minutes ago: Romney is relaxed and empathetic, while Obama comes across as a constipated professor.

Kristof: President Looks 'Constipated'

**Live-Blog** Watchdogging Tonight's Media Bias

Tonight, the city of Denver hosts the first presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney. But as any of us who pay attention know, the debate itself won’t matter anywhere near as much as what the corrupt media does

**Live-Blog** Watchdogging Tonight's Media Bias

Brandon Darby: Reclaiming a Lost Narrative

On April 3, 2007, the Times Picayune published an article titled “Help Might Be One Call Away.”  The story featured the Common Ground Relief Shelter, and one of its co-founders, Brandon Darby.  The author of the article, Sheila Stroup, offered

Brandon Darby: Reclaiming a Lost Narrative

Top Ten Reasons the 2007 Obama Video Matters in 2012

Even before the Daily Caller released the video last night of President Obama’s 2007 speech before a majority black audience in Virginia, our corrupt media was already declaring it “old news.” Time‘s Mark Halperin had a full-blown meltdown and BuzzFeed

Top Ten Reasons the 2007 Obama Video Matters in 2012

The Media's Coverups (For Now)

If the media is one thing—it is transparent. It is also leftist and predictable, but that would be three things. So, here we go with a prediction born of the leftist transparency we find with the Activist Old Media.  Sometime

The Media's Coverups (For Now)

Debate Preview: Moderator Jim Lehrer Far from Moderate

PBS anchor Jim Lehrer is a progressive who, as the dean of Presidential Debate moderators, shows open disdain for Republicans and speaks glowingly of Democrats.   Amidst all the pre-spin build up to the first presidential debate between President Barack

Debate Preview: Moderator Jim Lehrer Far from Moderate

Media Freakout: Left, Right Spar over 2007 Obama Video

News aggregator Matt Drudge of The Drudge Report set political social media circles on fire with the announcement of a video purporting to show troubling racial statements from President Barack Obama. Drudge previewed the tape’s unveiling at 3:03 PM EST

Media Freakout: Left, Right Spar over 2007 Obama Video

To Win the Debate, Mock the Moderator

When you’re a Republican, your biggest debate opponent is not the one next to you on the stage but the one in front of you at the moderator’s table.  The moderators help set the outcome for Democrats in three ways:

To Win the Debate, Mock the Moderator

Media Watch: Stephanopoulos Calls 8 of 9 Debates for Dems

Good catch at Newsbusters: But more undecided voters will be swayed by the media’s post-debate spin about who won and who lost than by any pre-debate expectations. Reviewing the last several campaigns, MRC analysts have found a clear trend of

Media Respond to Accusations of Skewed Poll Data

The progressive press has been forced to respond to challenges of their polling data that shows record turnout for Democrats in national polls and in swing states.  Nate Silver, gatekeeper of polls for the New York Times, called the attempt to

Media Respond to Accusations of Skewed Poll Data

AP: Election Over, 'Obama Wins'

The election is over, and the AP has declared that “Obama wins.” That’s right, Gov. Romney is wasting his time campaigning and the citizens who support him are wasting their time too. In fact, conservatives and moderates, Republicans and Democrats,

AP: Election Over, 'Obama Wins'

Caddell: Mainstream Media 'Enemy' of American People

Pat Caddell, the former adviser to President Jimmy Carter, called the mainstream media  an “enemy of the American people” at an Accuracy in Media conference on September 21st. A video of Caddell’s remarks were posted this weekend and has since

Caddell: Mainstream Media 'Enemy' of American People

Media Watch: WaPo Swing State Poll Is Utter Garbage

All day long the media has used a juiced Washington Post swing-state poll showing Romney down 52 – 41 as a bludgeon to further an unrelenting narrative that the race is over and Romney supporters are nothing more than fools

Media Watch: WaPo: 'Will Romney Reach out to Racists?'

According to Wikipedia and another source, The Root is an online magazine devoted to black culture. It’s also owned byThe Washington Post. Saturday, The Root published an entire article devoted to this headline: Will Romney Reach out to Racists in Debates?

The Daily Beast's 'Abortion at Sea' Made Me Seasick

Michelle Goldberg recently posted a piece titled “Abortion at Sea” on the Daily Beast. Her effort can only be described as revolting, as she attempted to apply lace to the disgusting dress of evangelic-infanticide while also managing to reinforce other

The Daily Beast's 'Abortion at Sea' Made Me Seasick

Media Watch: Politifact Ohio's Dishonesty Exposed

Unfortunately, there’s not only a PolitiFact, there are also branches of separate PolitiFacts that do their dirty work for Democrats in a number of swing states. This means that this toxic and corrupt organization can frequently be found on the front pages of local