Rubio: Earth 'At Least 4.5B Years Old'

Rubio: Earth 'At Least 4.5B Years Old'

Preventing the Democrat-Media Complex from painting him as yet another anti-science Republican fringe figure, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today said, “There is no scientific debate on the age of the earth.” He said that the planet is “at least 4.5 billion years old.” Rubio said that to Mike Allen of Politico.

Rubio added, “I was referring to a theological debate, which is a pretty healthy debate. The theological debate is, how do you reconcile with what science has definitively established with what you may think your faith teaches. Now for me, when it comes to the age of the earth, there is no conflict.”

For most people of faith, this is the correct answer to the question; rejection of geological science has fallen out of favor among Biblical believers. 


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